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Everything posted by Dezzy

  1. ~[Good LucK]~(blueviolet,blueviolet,blueviolet,blueviolet,blueviolet,blueviolet,blueviolet,blueviolet,blueviolet)
  2. ............
  3. .........................................................
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkLnj5pJtDI&feature=emb_rel_pause
  5. MIT - Application Form Username: DeZzy Account name: boubi Age: 17 year old . Languages: English-Arabic English skills (1-10): 8/10 Do you have Discord: Yes. How long you play SAES/RPG: 3 years ago. How much in-game hours do you have: Over 998 hours. Do you have Procop Diploma: No. Previous Gang/Squad/Company: ThC: I was kick becuase i got adminjail. TST: Dead. Rebels:Dead CDC: I was Kick . ICE: I left to play crim. Have ever been banned before: No , Never. Read the rules and explain them in detail: Yes ofc. Explain Rule 3: Do not patrol alone if there are officers available. Explain Rule4: It is strictly forbidden to arrest players under 5 stars. Always privilege tough criminals. Let the criminals 5 seconds to react for your RP ask. Explain Rule 6: Deathmatching, Mark Kill, Marker Arrest, Park Kill and Park Arrest is strictly prohibited. Ramming on criminals is highly discouraged. MIT tolerates this type of action only once against a criminal. Ramming on a criminal more than once is prohibited. Explain Rule 8: Do not arrest at Hospital and in Events. If someone escapes to an event wait for them to come out. Do not be AFK at Hospital, leave the area immediatly.
  6. Event Number: #941 Event type: LMS (1shot) LWS: @Colobria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @koko Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Event Number: #940 Event type: Chicken Shooter LWS: @Zombie Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Animator Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Nickname:DeZzy Account name:boubi Do you have discord? Yes ofc Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 7.5/8 What languages do you speak: English,Arabic, How long are you playing SAES: Started in 2017 Current G/S/C:ICE/CDC/Rebels_MC. Current Groups:N/A Previous Groups:N/A Rate your driving skills 1 to 10: 8/10 Why do you want to join us?i Want to join this group bacause i like drifting around SA and i can help this group for everything's,like event's,Roleplay etc......
  9. Ingame name: DeZzy Username: boubi Country of Residence and Nationality:Algerian Spoken Languages: Arabic, English. Age:17 years old Date of the beginning of your SAES career:2017 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: ICE:I left ICE becuase inactive squad Rebels MC: I left rebel MC becuase inactive gang too CDC: I got kicked TST: Dead Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hello,My real name is mohamed iam 17 years old , iam algerian i live in small country (Fkirina) i live in a big family and i like my friends in my country becuase they who halped me to join this game,i start playing this game since 2017 and my brother was playing before me and now he left this game becuase he have a big work in police team since when i start play this game i dont know anything about it but now i can say im good for somethings but bad for somethings too and my in-game name is DeZzy i like this name so much that's why i used it and i have a lot of my friends in ThC and i like ThC gang becuase active gang and very good and skilled ect.. and i like play vidoe games like Pubg ,and about gang i can help in activity and i can post in media archive so much ,but in game im best in driving ,shooting,killing .. and i have a bad thing is ~[LAG]~(red),
  10. GooD Lock
  11. REQUEST FORMAT Address: 6 Jasem Fucks Camels Motel Account name: muti17 Last seen: 13th March 2020 Screenshots:https: https://imgur.com/tyWqGwZ
  12. REQUEST FORMAT Address: 4 Chorch Road Account name: luis4787 Last seen: 21st February 2020 Screenshots:https: https://imgur.com/8LFKg51
  13. REQUEST FORMAT Address: 8 Vaginal Discharge Close Account name: Radi09 Last seen:3 April 2020 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/mYfbUam
  14. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  15. deleted..
  16. good lock
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