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Everything posted by Razer

  1. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations LV , BC . ~[D]~(orange)ate: 11/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  2. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations LS, RC . ~[D]~(orange)ate: 11/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  3. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Deliveries. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 11/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  4. Display Name: Razer Username: razerGT Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23397/donation-razer-amount-20-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23396/donation-razer-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29572/donation-razer-amount-25-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30426/donation-undefined-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30459/donation-undefined-amount-20-00-gbp?_=1641863047312 Total number of Donation Points: 85
  5. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations SF . ~[D]~(orange)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  6. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations LV , BC ,TR. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  7. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations RC & LS. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  8. ^[~[AA:p Assisting BR Z BC 10/01/2022]~(,BLACK)] @staylok @BurakO @joakito
  9. ^[~[AA:p Assisting SR LS 10/01/2022]~(,BLACK)] @SergioR @koko ^[~[AA:p Assisting BR O RC 10/01/2022]~(,BLACK)] @SergioR @joakito ^[~[AA:p Assisting PBR SF 10/01/2022]~(,BLACK)] @koko @joakito
  10. ^[~[AA:p Assisting BR O LV 10/01/2022]~(,BLACK)] @Blackyy @staylok @koko
  11. This is an automated post TXN ID: 31A418391G9608011 Donation Amount: 20.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Roadtrain Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: razerGT Where you want it placed: Starfish 24 7 Shop Here Vehicle Type: Infernus Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: razerGT Where you want it placed: Starfish 24 7 Shop Here For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  12. ^[~[AA:p Assisting VIP BC 10/01/2022]~(,BLACK)] @SergioR @joakito
  13. ~[D]~(magenta)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[E]~(magenta)vent: ALL VS ALL BOX ~[T]~(magenta)otal Prize: $1.000.000 ~[L]~(magenta)WS: @Judyes ~[W]~(magenta)inner(s): @JasonBourne ~[S]~(magenta)creenshots: ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[D]~(magenta)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[E]~(magenta)vent: 1 hit Deagle ~[T]~(magenta)otal Prize: $1.000.000 ~[L]~(magenta)WS: @Judyes ~[W]~(magenta)inner(s): @Spractic ~[S]~(magenta)creenshots: ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[D]~(magenta)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[E]~(magenta)vent: Face To Face UZI ~[T]~(magenta)otal Prize: $1.000.000 ~[L]~(magenta)WS: @Judyes ~[W]~(magenta)inner(s): @Planet ~[S]~(magenta)creenshots: ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[** : || !!!**]~(magenta)
  14. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling ALT refinery. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  15. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations LV & BC & SF. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  16. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations LS & RC. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  17. ^[~[TURFING NIGHT 10/01/2022]~(,BLACK)] [s=Before & After] [/s] [s=Screenshots] [/s]
  18. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Deliveries. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  19. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Truck Deliveries. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  20. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Deliveries. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 10/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  21. Address: Starfish 24 7 Shop Account name: dawis67 Last seen: 10th December 2021 Screenshots:
  22. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Truck Deliveries. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 09/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  23. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Deliveries. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 09/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  24. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Truck Deliveries. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 09/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  25. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Deliveries. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 09/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
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