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Everything posted by figmash

  1. @Markus You cannot type in the code of your choice.
  2. @JohnnyEnglish Nope
  3. I would like to make a suggestion on the behalf of Gauged & Company to add Hex Codes in the custom carshop [LV] which will benefit all the customizers to provide a reliable product.
  4. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 15GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 7th October, 2019 Why do you need this change? Lost due to Inactivity Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/99114-donation-figmash-amount-1000-gbp/ and... https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8499/donation-figmash-amount-5-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8512/figmash-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2171/figmash-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7940/figmash-s-reward-change/2 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12306/figmash-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Shamal (removed due to inactivity) Location: LVAP Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal with 'sticker1' shader Location: LVAP Username: figmash Interior:
  5. Additional Information about yourself How old are you?: 14 What is your name?: Aadi What is your current country of stay?: India Do you know any other languages if so what languages do you know?: French How good is your English on a scale from 0 to a 10?: 8.5/10 We would like to know more about you,please write something about yourself (minimum 20 words): I'm a student in India who started playing SAES for about 3 years from now. I am a car lover and like RP's hence was interested to apply for RG. In-game information What is your nickname?: Figmash What is your accounts username?: figmash Do you use/have Discord?: Yes, Figmash#0449 How many hours active are you on SAES (your daily hour score e.g 4 hours)?: 3 - 4 hours How long have you been on SAES for?: 3 years Do you have any punishments on your account(bans,adminjails),if so please tell us the reason?: When I was new, I had been adminjailed for deathmatching but never after that day. Were you a part of any Gangs/Squads/Groups,if so which and tell us why you left/got kicked?: ALT - Due to inactivity as my PC was not with me. What are your strengths/weaknesses?: Strengths: Honesty, Loyalty, Divinity, Polite Weaknesses: Lazy (rarely), Might leave the game when my mother calls :P Why do you want to join us and what can you bring us?: I want to join y'all as I can efficiently contribute towards the community and will not fail to achieve a reputation for the group in SA! Who are we and what do we do (both questions in 3 sentences max)?: Radioactive Guerillas is a community of people who contribute towards radioactivity of materials and smuggle illegal items. Y'all only seek for the benefit of this underground community, in auspicious ways.
  6. Prop. Name: i_am_special_but_im_not Prop. Type: House Carspawn: Yes Price: 3.8m Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ylQMinj
  7. Address: transfender modshop, LS North Account name: racetech Last seen: July, 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cZpAGa8
  8. @Auto-Plunder said in Auto Plunder Organization |/\| Group Topic [Recruitement:Open]: In-game name: Figmash , NotFig , NarcoticCow Account name: figmash Age: 13 Country: India What languages do you speak: English, French Rate your English proficiency (0-10): 9/10 Rate your roleplaying skills (0-10): 8.5/10 Describe our role with your own words: Role of Auto Plunder is to rob and jack cars from SA and sell them. Why do you want to join Auto Plunder: I want to join Auto Plunder as I have admired the roleplay and setting of the group and would like to be in such a community. Why should we accept you: You shall accept me as I believe that I am a great roleplayer. Tell us a bit about yourself: My name is Aadi, I'm a student residing in India. I had begun to play GTA SA since 2012 and MTA since 2016.
  9. Price: $2,750,000 Location: LS Forums Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ItxCQsU
  10. Price: $5,000,000 Location: North LS (Near Highway) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Tr3879k
  11. Address: Garage Cymru (South SF) Account name: fyrr73 Last seen: 27th November, 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/S6j1K9t
  12. -TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- Figmash on 13th November 2019 at 6:00 AM PST TMH Technicians Involved: @Figmash Location: BCAP, TMH Tech Workshop Estimated Duration of Working: 45 Minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 1 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EMt5eed
  13. @TaaviLaudur That's nice too
  14. I would like the Euros to either have the prices lowered. But instead, replacing the model of it makes more sense. Links: Mod: https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/cars/35232-ferrari-458-italia-2010.html SS: https://imgur.com/a/R1C1CKv Make sure you vote :D Figmash [On behalf of G&C]
  15. Role Play Number: 3 Participants in The RP: @figmash , @gxnzo RP Scenario: A guy named Ginzo had met with an accident. I witnessed him while I was driving the Old LV Strip. He waved at me so I stopped for help. I towed his car up to a nearby alley. I repaired his car and he was concluded to be a happy customer ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/oOiCyii
  16. Role Play Number: 2 Participants in The RP: @figmash , @gxnzo RP Scenario: A racer across town had drained his car batteries. He called me for help and I was on point! I dropped him to my store at a Petrol Station. He was a happy customer. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Obsj1xn
  17. Role Play Number: 1 Participants in The RP: @figmash , @GoldMine RP Scenario: A well-known Racer came to me to get a replacement for the door joint. I do take some time and fix the door by replacing the joint and knobs of his Lamborghini. At that moment, I was the only one working mechanic who could repair those knobs. I made sure that those would at least take a year to be damaged again. I charged him $2000 with making $20 of profit. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/2YdQ9qY
  18. Personal Info Section In-Game name: 'Figmash' or 'Fig' Username: figmash Account name: figmash Age: 13 Gender: Male Nationality: Indian Languages: English, French In-Game Experience Section How long you play SAES/RPG: Since 2016 How long you play MTA: Since 2016 How long you play every day: 2-3 hours How much in-game hours do you have: 502 hours The Name of your current Squad/Gang/Company: The Company [ThC] The Name of your current groups: GXT, G&C, VT In-Game Skills Section English Skills (1-10): 9/10 RP Skills (1-10): 9/10 Driving Skills (1-10): 8/10 Community Skills (1-10): 8/10 Business Skills (1-10): 9/10 Theoretical Section Explain in your own words what is our Roleplay: Your roleplay is to serve customers with rental vehicles. Our job is to deliver/issue rental vehicles, Explain what you understand under Renting Service: This means that a particular item has been bought by someone for a limited period of time from someone. In this case, vehicles have been mentioned as the object which is to be borrowed by or issued to. Explain 2 Staff Members rules: A customer should be asked if they want any vehicle to be delivered to them or may it be collected by them. Asking for promotion in the group may result in the member being kicked out of the group or be punished. Also, the higher ranked members should be respected. Explain 3 Customer rules: A Customer can only apply for a vehicle rental if they can afford the price. The car which is rented should not be tuned or have the colour changed. Why do you want to join us: I would firstly like to join y'all due to the unique concept and I'm sure I will make an efficient contribution to the group. I believe that I am good at RPs and with customers. I would like to be a part of a community of Business. Why should we accept you: You should accept me due to my RP skills and interaction skills with customers. San Andreas Renting Service Section Do you have at least 3 vehicles in our offer list? Yes Do you have at least 2 motorcycle in our offer list? Yes [NRG-500, FCR-900] What you understand about our payments? I understand that the payment that the customer has to make to the group is a certain percentage of the real price of the vehicle in the stores. What do you understand about Renting Donation? It is a way of renting a vehicle after signing an application where the customer gets a vehicle delivered to their private property. If a customer wants to rent a car what should you ask him? I would ask them about the vehicle that they would like to rent, I would ask them if they want it delivered and would even ask them if they want it as a donation vehicle. Whatever they would like to rent, I would provide them a link to the forums where they can apply for a rental vehicle. How many vehicles do you have in our offer (Minimum 3)? [Shamal(donation), Turismo, NRG-500] How many motocycle do you have in our offer (Minimum 3)? [NRG-500, FCR-900, Freeway] Tell us the names of your vehicles? Shamal, Turismo, Stretch, Burrito, Custom Sandking, Hermes. Tell us the names of your motorcycle? NRG-500, FCR-900, Freeway
  19. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 15GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? May 2019 Why do you need this change? Inactivity Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/99114-donation-figmash-amount-1000-gbp/ and... https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8499/donation-figmash-amount-5-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7940/figmash-s-reward-change Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: (Vehicles removed due to inactivity Location: Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal+ Generic Shader (sticker1) Location: Las Venturas Airport Username: figmash Interior: ##endspoiler
  20. Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Fig Real Name: Aadi Account name: figmash Nationality: Indian Rate your English Skills (0/10): (9/10) Current Organization: ThC Current Group List: ALT, G&C, VT Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): (8/10) Talk about your RP experience: I have done RPs for IAC, ThC, VT and ALT! I like RPing and hence love SAES Write a short RP story related to rebels: Once lived an amateur who was one of the many slaves of ISIS once decided the challenge Akbar Bin Iqbal (his guide) gave him! Once he was caught in USA and was sent to jail but was human bombed. Add a photo of a rebel please: https://www.google.com/search?q=rebel+ISIS&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6gaDuud_iAhXLfCsKHd9hCdQQ_AUIEigD&biw=1600&bih=1089#imgrc=gNkaxPPxb3IHnM:
  21. @Naker123 : ACCEPTED!
  22. figmash


  23. This is the link to our new topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9405/gauged-co-topic
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