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Newbie (1/14)



  1. @Markus You cannot type in the code of your choice.
  2. @JohnnyEnglish Nope
  3. I would like to make a suggestion on the behalf of Gauged & Company to add Hex Codes in the custom carshop [LV] which will benefit all the customizers to provide a reliable product.
  4. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 15GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 7th October, 2019 Why do you need this change? Lost due to Inactivity Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/99114-donation-figmash-amount-1000-gbp/ and... https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8499/donation-figmash-amount-5-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8512/figmash-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2171/figmash-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7940/figmash-s-reward-change/2 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12306/figmash-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Shamal (removed due to inactivity) Location: LVAP Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal with 'sticker1' shader Location: LVAP Username: figmash Interior:
  5. Additional Information about yourself How old are you?: 14 What is your name?: Aadi What is your current country of stay?: India Do you know any other languages if so what languages do you know?: French How good is your English on a scale from 0 to a 10?: 8.5/10 We would like to know more about you,please write something about yourself (minimum 20 words): I'm a student in India who started playing SAES for about 3 years from now. I am a car lover and like RP's hence was interested to apply for RG. In-game information What is your nickname?: Figmash What is your accounts username?: figmash Do you use/have Discord?: Yes, Figmash#0449 How many hours active are you on SAES (your daily hour score e.g 4 hours)?: 3 - 4 hours How long have you been on SAES for?: 3 years Do you have any punishments on your account(bans,adminjails),if so please tell us the reason?: When I was new, I had been adminjailed for deathmatching but never after that day. Were you a part of any Gangs/Squads/Groups,if so which and tell us why you left/got kicked?: ALT - Due to inactivity as my PC was not with me. What are your strengths/weaknesses?: Strengths: Honesty, Loyalty, Divinity, Polite Weaknesses: Lazy (rarely), Might leave the game when my mother calls :P Why do you want to join us and what can you bring us?: I want to join y'all as I can efficiently contribute towards the community and will not fail to achieve a reputation for the group in SA! Who are we and what do we do (both questions in 3 sentences max)?: Radioactive Guerillas is a community of people who contribute towards radioactivity of materials and smuggle illegal items. Y'all only seek for the benefit of this underground community, in auspicious ways.
  6. Prop. Name: i_am_special_but_im_not Prop. Type: House Carspawn: Yes Price: 3.8m Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ylQMinj
  7. Address: transfender modshop, LS North Account name: racetech Last seen: July, 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cZpAGa8
  8. @Auto-Plunder said in Auto Plunder Organization |/\| Group Topic [Recruitement:Open]: In-game name: Figmash , NotFig , NarcoticCow Account name: figmash Age: 13 Country: India What languages do you speak: English, French Rate your English proficiency (0-10): 9/10 Rate your roleplaying skills (0-10): 8.5/10 Describe our role with your own words: Role of Auto Plunder is to rob and jack cars from SA and sell them. Why do you want to join Auto Plunder: I want to join Auto Plunder as I have admired the roleplay and setting of the group and would like to be in such a community. Why should we accept you: You shall accept me as I believe that I am a great roleplayer. Tell us a bit about yourself: My name is Aadi, I'm a student residing in India. I had begun to play GTA SA since 2012 and MTA since 2016.
  9. Price: $2,750,000 Location: LS Forums Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ItxCQsU
  10. Price: $5,000,000 Location: North LS (Near Highway) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Tr3879k
  11. Address: Garage Cymru (South SF) Account name: fyrr73 Last seen: 27th November, 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/S6j1K9t
  12. -TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- Figmash on 13th November 2019 at 6:00 AM PST TMH Technicians Involved: @Figmash Location: BCAP, TMH Tech Workshop Estimated Duration of Working: 45 Minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 1 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EMt5eed
  13. @TaaviLaudur That's nice too
  14. I would like the Euros to either have the prices lowered. But instead, replacing the model of it makes more sense. Links: Mod: https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/cars/35232-ferrari-458-italia-2010.html SS: https://imgur.com/a/R1C1CKv Make sure you vote :D Figmash [On behalf of G&C]
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