@under said in Underground Empire: Ingame name:Vanessa Ingame username:Panditta Previous organizations and leaving causes:INKAS: I left because of their inactivity and because of their way of dealing with leaders Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate. UE Roleplay is related to: drug trafficking, arms trafficking, money laundering, contract murder and corruption of politicians and police. The gangs' favorite business is money laundering in their casinos. What binds you with Underground Empire:Since I entered saes I have noticed that UE has a lot of level, besides that I have formed friendship with his HQ and his way of conquering turf and br is impressive. His gang has contacts with the police and government officials. She is involved in important matters compared to other gangs. What do you know about organized crime:Organized crime, also called organized crime, is any organization made up of a group of people with certain hierarchies, roles and functions, whose main objective is to obtain material or economic benefits by committing crimes.