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Bowie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. -Nickname : Bowie -Username : Leondaz -Age : 17 -Nationality : Palestinian ( living in Israel ) -Languages you can speak : English, Arabic, Hebrew Player SAES Career Information : -How long have you been playing on SAES? : Ive been playing SAES for a quite few years Id say since 2014. -Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : I have joined one gang back then and it was called TMF ( The mafia family ). -If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : Well actually i left, the reason is that i got busy irl and also i was inactive. -Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No. -What groups are you currently part of ? : I just came back to SAES so Im not in a group. -Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it : pride#3904 Personality Information : -What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Well actually Im a loyal & a mature person and also someone who can be useful somehow, also Im quite experienced and also i can be active and the most important thing Im respectful. -Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Well black bullets is actually a criminal organization that provides assassinations for the right price by killing cops, civilians and also criminals who try to threat its business. -Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : I applied for black bullets because its a solid gang, its also a great gang who has experienced members that are helpful and i will do whatever it takes to get in that family. -Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes my friend curny has been supporting me and getting me to get really attracted to B~B and i love that. -Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Thanks.
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