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Everything posted by Alessio

  1. Participants: @Alessio District: LV Shift period: 15+ minutes Number of vehicles extinguhished: 9 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JYmX68f
  2. Roleplay type: 904A/B Description of Roleplay: Around 16.00 GMT LVFD received a call of a 904A/B in Fort carston gas station. Quickly 2 fire trucks responded and assisted to the Location. When the units arrived to the scene, we splitted up in 2 teams and succesfully extinguished the Fire. Finally we cleaned up the scene and turned back to the station. Location: Fort Carson Gas Station (BC) Participants: @jonas13362 @Rieeria @koko @Miltingary @CeSaR @Ammarr @Nord @Alessio https://imgur.com/a/B7IcLNV
  3. Participants: Me District: SF-LV-RC Shift period: 32 mins Number of Cars Extinguished: 4 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/A17ZIA3
  4. Participants: @Alessio District: LV-RC-LS Shift period: 20 mins Number of Cars Extinguhished: 7 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6dUVX2V
  5. Participants: @Rieeria @Alessio District: All districts: Shift period: 30 mins Number of Cars Extinguhished: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MM4qYyu
  6. Participants: @Alessio District: LV-LS Shift period: 15 mins Number of Cars Extinguhished: 7 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XptqWwd
  7. Participants: Me District: All District. Shift period: 15 mins. Number of Victims Healded: 14 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QtyXx3F
  8. Participants: Me District: All District. Shift period: 20 mins. Number of Victims Healded: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MlbWNJ3
  9. asd
  10. Participants: Me and @Rieeria District: Las venturas Shift period: 20 Minutes Number of victims healed: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/i8fKfd9
  11. Address: I secretly Love Rebecca Black Account name: antirug Last seen: 4th december Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4yc7aSI
  12. Participants: @Alessia Disctrict: All districts Shift Period: 35 minutes Number of vehicles extinguished 3 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ND4Kz27
  13. **Part I:** **Link your Donation Tracking Topic** https://saesrpg.uk/forums/topic/30250-donation-point-balance-alessio/#comment-330241 **When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?** A year ago. **========================================================================** Part II: What I Want to be Removed **Vehicle 1:** Stratum **Location:** I hear Aeroplanes (next to LVAP) **Interior:** **========================================================================** **Part III: What I Want to be Added** **Vehicle 1:** Stratum **Location:** 28main/street shop **Username:** Alessioo **Interior:**
  14. Participants: @Alessia Disctrict: All districts Shift Period: 25 minutes Number of vehicles extinguished 4 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nT8FiUS
  15. Address:28 Main/ streep shop Account name: cvn87 Last seen: 25th september 2022 Screenshots:
  16. Hey I would like a banner please, You can do it as you wish :DD. And if its pourple, would be nice :man_dancing:. thanks
  17. @Alessio said in SA Fire Department :: Media Archive: Roleplay type: 904B/Building Fire Description of roleplay : At around 11 pm, we received a call, which explained that it was a 904B, near us in LS, in which there were victims trapped inside. Quickly, I got in the truck and headed to the scene. When I arrived, I had to clear the entire entrance of the fire and with the help of the truck and the water, and then with my partner slapsbob we were able to enter the house, where we were able to find the 2 victims who could not get out due to the fire. When removing them and checking their vital signs, one of the 2 victims had grade 2 burns, so we proceeded to quickly take him to the hospital. Location: Los santos North Participants: @tokiits @SlapBobs @Rainy & me Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lMkwqib
  18. Roleplay type: 904B/Building Fire Description of roleplay : At around 11 pm, we received a call, which explained that it was a 904B, near us in LS, in which there were victims trapped inside. Quickly, I got in the truck and headed to the scene. When I arrived, I had to clear the entire entrance of the fire and with the help of the truck and the water, and then with my partner slapsbob we were able to enter the house, where we were able to find the 2 victims who could not get out due to the fire. When removing them and checking their vital signs, one of the 2 victims had grade 2 burns, so we proceeded to quickly take him to the hospital. Location: Los santos North Participants: @tokiits @SlapBobs @Rainy & me Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lMkwqib
  19. @Alessio said in SA Fire Department :: Media Archive: Roleplay type: 904A/Automobile fire Description of roleplay : Around 9:30 at night the headquarters received a call, which specified that it was a 904A, so I quickly started the fire truck and headed to the scene. Upon arrival at the scene, I could see that the car was in the middle of the road, so I proceeded to call SAI. When the SAI patrol arrived, I proceeded to put out the fire and see if the victim was injured. After everything went well, I went back to the station, to refill the water to the truck and meanwhile wait for another call. Location: LS-LV Highway Participants: @tokiits @MaZen20 & me Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/i2YGplR
  20. Roleplay type: 904A/Automobile fire Description of roleplay : Around 9:30 at night the headquarters received a call, which specified that it was a 904A, so I quickly started the fire truck and headed to the scene. Upon arrival at the scene, I could see that the car was in the middle of the road, so I proceeded to call SAI. When the SAI patrol arrived, I proceeded to put out the fire and see if the victim was injured. After everything went well, I went back to the station, to refill the water to the truck and meanwhile wait for another call. Location: LS-LV Highway Participants: @tokiits @MaZen20 & me Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/i2YGplR
  21. Participants: @marcofercam & Me Groups: N/A Story: Prostitution in these times is an income that is always safe, since people will always pay prostitutes, sooner or later in some part of their lives, and not to mention the fixed clients who leave us income of more than 10,000 dollars per month. And as the prostitutes are always going to give us money, today we went to buy one, or rescue her since probably if we didn't buy her in two months she would be dead. I went to LV to her delivery point, I went to look for her, and although she was very scared, she got on the burrito. When she got on I took her to our base and then to our base's bar, so she could start her jobs as a stripper and a prostitute until she dies either from a sexually transmitted disease or from old age. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6IpSTP3
  22. Participants: @tokiits @Rainy Groups: N/A Story:Every month we buy different motorcycles, they are of the best quality, and the best in price-quality. A client bought us many of these so we had to hire a trucker. When talking about prices we told the trucker that we would give him 1% of the total sale. The truck driver prepared the motorcycles, loaded them onto the truck and headed for our base so that we could unload them, and be able to check that they were all in good condition, then we loaded them back up and took them to the buyer, delivering them satisfactorily and earning more than $20,000 for our gang. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xCHH3dX
  23. Participants: Me Groups: N/A Story: Once a month for many years I go to buy my cocaine, and this was the day. After talking on wpp web with my drug trafficker, making me very happy, he told me that he had left the cocaine in an abandoned apartment next to the tunnel, on the LS-LV highway. So I started my car and started the drive to the drop off location. Upon arrival, the salesman told me that he had left the drug next to the TV on the second floor, so I left my car on the side of the tracks and went into the apartment. After looking for about half an hour where the TV was, I managed to find it. and the drug too, then I left and went back to the base so I could safely consume my tasty drug. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aFDnPLR
  24. @Alessio said in SAI - Contributions & Activity log: Involved SAI members: (Massimo-Rossi), (Comm.Jones), (scooter) Other involved people: @Switch (N33D) Date, time and duration of activity: 17/07/2022 16:00 - 17:00 (1 hour) Activity type: Patrol And RP Activity Details: Around 16 pm I was with my patrol, stopped on the side of the LV-BC highway, when I could see a male driving a motorcycle outside the established speed limits, so I quickly accelerated my patrol and stopped him. Pulling him over, I asked for his ID, checked that his papers were okay, and then proceeded to give him a $500 speeding ticket. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GUWsb7Z
  25. Involved SAI members: (Massimo-Rossi), (Comm.Jones), (scooter) Other involved people: @Switch (N33D) Date, time and duration of activity: 17/07/2022 16:00 - 17:00 (1 hour) Activity type: Patrol And RP Activity Details: Around 16 pm I was with my patrol, stopped on the side of the LV-BC highway, when I could see a male driving a motorcycle outside the established speed limits, so I quickly accelerated my patrol and stopped him. Pulling him over, I asked for his ID, checked that his papers were okay, and then proceeded to give him a $500 speeding ticket. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GUWsb7Z
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