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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. over 7 days passed since the last bid was issued therefor we will be archiving this auction if you still wanna sell this feel free to start a new ones
  2. over 7 days passed since the last bid was issued therefor we will be archiving this auction if you still wanna sell this feel free to start a new ones
  3. It's a joke not a dick you don't have to take it so hard Ps: person above is gay
  4. i blame @Bone for this why would you let a gypsy like grooove lead CLO
  5. @Clayson said in [SUGGESTION]"Unlimited" properties for donators: lol these responds, it is just a suggestion and by the way it's not pay to win if donators can buy 20/30 properties instead of 8 how can properties help you "win" if you would get dual uzis or dual sawn offs for donations that would be pay to win in my opinion but anyway with higher limit on properties there would at least be something useful, donator spawn is nice but useless, okay you get vehicles some cash and wraps but in my opinion just not enough, again that is just my point of view. its pay to win since you gain a advantage by paying that others dont @Markus said in [SUGGESTION]"Unlimited" properties for donators: @Crash said in [SUGGESTION]"Unlimited" properties for donators: Wtf? no just no this shouldnt be a pay to win already pay to win with your ability to get an airplane or an heli for 10 pounds thats something given to groups/gangs/squads too so not something you must pay to get
  6. well i expected to see something like Pornhub where @Brophy would gift everyone a premium account for brazzers
  7. Failed to claim the icon in 48 hours placed for public sale
  8. that user is a SAES clan member request denied
  9. denied already requested here
  10. over 48 hours passed since the request was made since you failed to claim it , it was placed for public auction
  11. since its been more then 7 days since the last bid was issued we will be archiving this to keep the forum organized if you still have not sold this property feel free to start a new one anytime you want
  12. since its been more then 7 days since the last bid was issued we will be archiving this to keep the forum organized if you still have not sold this property feel free to start a new one anytime you want
  13. more then 14 days as passed since this auction was started therefor this will be gettign archived if you have not sold the prop yet feel free to start a new one
  14. since its been more then 7 days since the last bid was issued we will be archiving this to keep the forum organized if you still have not sold this property feel free to start a new one anytime you want
  15. since its been more then 7 days since the last bid was issued we will be archiving this to keep the forum organized if you still have not sold this property feel free to start a new one anytime you want
  16. since its been more then 7 days since the last bid was issued we will be archiving this to keep the forum organized if you still have not sold this property feel free to start a new one anytime you want
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