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Everything posted by Crash

  1. already requested here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19573/inactive-ls
  2. already requested here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19573/inactive-ls
  3. Would be complet cancer also since some groups as mentioned above where given that ability so they could have something special and unique then utilize them and request them or check if an admin is available at that time lvx with 5 different groups streaming fucking god knows what yeh really nice
  4. @Hotfire said in House Removals: Account name: hotfire4021 Icon name: Lv flat block B sorted
  5. over 48 hours since the request was made therefor was placed fro public auction
  6. already requested here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19410/inactive-bc
  7. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19354/inactive-tr already requested here
  8. over 48 hours have passed since you failed to claim the icon in time it was placed for public sale
  9. over 48 hours have passed since you failed to claim this property in time it was placed for public sale
  10. @Asexyno said in [SUGGESTION] Being able to arrest in donated vehicles: @Crash said in [SUGGESTION] Being able to arrest in donated vehicles: @Asexyno said in [SUGGESTION] Being able to arrest in donated vehicles: @Kowalski said in [SUGGESTION] Being able to arrest in donated vehicles: @AntiRug Makes sense that the pilot is getting killed never saw a pilot surviving when he got shot out of the air I agree with this situation. @AntiRug youre right but what about the privilege you get after donating in the server? You waste your money for nothing? You would get something that non- donators can not afford of, at least, Isnt that? However, for arresting someone you may chase him until he lose the control of the guide, or youre that kind of player who only arrest afk players inside their property?? Im not agree with that argument you accused of donators players whose enter their vehicles afking for dont get arrest anyhow its a privilege not a mean of abuse because as someone else said above you can easily shoot his cars and blow it up then run after him to arrest, donator or no donator vehicles youre suppose to chase untill he/she end up crashed or lost the control of the guide. seems like you havent read what tut said aint about donators (still as a donator you shouldnt avoid by entering a car locked as passanger to avoid arrest ) but about mainly people finding a donation parked entering it to avoid arrest still a key word AVOID since you will have to blow the car for them to exit and most likly they die form explosion In that case they can have a valid reason to report him ,if the criminal do not sort an arrest to the police himself, and thats a clearly rulebreaker if you see it with a common sense. but why punish more people have more reports being made when we could just implement a way to get them out? someon mentioned here that back in the day you could taze people out of a vehicle this would be a option aint it better then having people be punished?
  11. @Asexyno said in [SUGGESTION] Being able to arrest in donated vehicles: @Kowalski said in [SUGGESTION] Being able to arrest in donated vehicles: @AntiRug Makes sense that the pilot is getting killed never saw a pilot surviving when he got shot out of the air I agree with this situation. @AntiRug youre right but what about the privilege you get after donating in the server? You waste your money for nothing? You would get something that non- donators can not afford of, at least, Isnt that? However, for arresting someone you may chase him until he lose the control of the guide, or youre that kind of player who only arrest afk players inside their property?? Im not agree with that argument you accused of donators players whose enter their vehicles afking for dont get arrest anyhow its a privilege not a mean of abuse because as someone else said above you can easily shoot his cars and blow it up then run after him to arrest, donator or no donator vehicles youre suppose to chase untill he/she end up crashed or lost the control of the guide. seems like you havent read what tut said aint about donators (still as a donator you shouldnt avoid by entering a car locked as passanger to avoid arrest ) but about mainly people finding a donation parked entering it to avoid arrest still a key word AVOID since you will have to blow the car for them to exit and most likly they die form explosion
  12. over 7 days passed since the last bid was issued to keep this forum organized we will be archiving this auction , if you still wanna sell this icon you are free to start a new topic anytime you want
  13. over 7 days passed since the last bid was issued to keep this forum organized we will be archiving this auction , if you still wanna sell this icon you are free to start a new topic anytime you want
  14. over 7 days passed since the last bid was issued to keep this forum organized we will be archiving this auction , if you still wanna sell this icon you are free to start a new topic anytime you want
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