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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. already requested here >https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26355/ls-inactive
  2. already requested here >https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26355/ls-inactive
  3. already requested here >https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26355/ls-inactive
  4. @yoko_kurama said in Arms Assassins: @phoenix-0 said in Arms Assassins: Thank you for your trust. I really try to hang out with AA and show my best, albeit not very often because I'm still at work at this month. Hope for a positive result. chupapi munyayo
  5. @versace said in [SUGGESTION] Strict line to donation vehicles locations: @drot said in [SUGGESTION] Strict line to donation vehicles locations: Unless your property comes with a helipad, airstrip or something of the sort; aircrafts are limited to airports and bases. If you come across illegally placed aircrafts, feel free to make a report and the location will be reviewed as soon as possible. I'm not sure how recent. But it has been told that donation aircrafts can not be placed at bases. from what i know only shamals cant Helis/dodos/stunt planes can be if the base fits it (Exemple the AA donation ship that holds donations planes)
  6. user is a saes clan member so is props cant be requested full list here ->https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
  7. user is not inactive yet he will be on the 14 of jan at 00:00
  8. please fill up the format next time feel free to do a new post
  9. 59 pounds in total donated so you can get : 2 small (40 pounds total) -19 pounds left so if you donate 1pound you can get another small one Or 1 medium (30 pounds) and 1 small for a total of 50 -leaving 9 pounds extra Or 1 Large for 40-leaves 19 extra so same as the first case with 1 more pound you can get a small + the large Or the special one for 50-leaves 9 left
  10. correct acc name is facupelle1321 and over 2 days have passed so property was placed for public sale
  11. @burako said in [AUCTION] Big Base - Flint Country: Are you sure the grass behind the building can be mapped? thats up to GM's but usually as long as no spawn is affected they allow it
  12. 7 days passed since the last bid was issued to we will archive it to keep this forum section organized
  13. already requested here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23598/inactive-lv
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