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Everything posted by killerask

  1. -TMH Racers Take On : @TaJ @Villain @Final324 Type: Race Flag Participants: GranD,Thamond,Taj, Location: San Fierro Winner & Prize: 1st Grand / 2nd Villain / 3rd Killerask Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. @franklin said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: meme wars are over, gg Now its over, GG
  3. Think this has been suggested a couple of times. Still would be amazing to see and also have your car listed while offline
  4. Happy birthday boi's
  5. 2 month earlier unban bday present? @Brophy XD
  6. TMH Technicians Working on: 05/02/2021 TMH Technicians Involved: Killerask Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 30 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: around 30 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24526/killerask-reward-change/3 Shader was live cant find an admin for 3 days to add it @Daryl
  8. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 90 gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? sept 2020 Why do you need this change? Because I want to change the postion. Links to your donation topics: old archive forum Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23144/reward-change-itzkillerask?_=1611788374374 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed All vehicles at LV Trainstation 1 vehicle got deleted from x base so not in /dvm anymore ::: ::: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Burrito 3x with custom skin https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/198 Vehicle 2: Sabre GT 2x Location: MMC Base will show ingame Username: killerask
  9. Everyone here is a virgin especially @Latinoo so dont bother
  10. Maybe even a 20/30 second cooldown would be fair after an explosion/ manual Respawn
  11. This would also solve the issue when you have multiple vehicles close to each other bikes / karts for example. That they will keep exploding and create the well known domino effect.
  12. @franklin also if you read carefully i want members lvl 1 to be able to take 1m per day just for their benefit :)
  13. @franklin damnnn bro. Good for you maybe stop crying next time plz dont make mmc it will kill rdmc. I give you hq if you join us. Stop acting like a bitch. Its just a suggestion. I really dont know who pissed in your cerial this morning but holy fuck youre toxic
  14. @franklin said in Replacing vehicle mods: @jay said in Replacing vehicle mods: @franklin said in Replacing vehicle mods: Freeway, Wayfarer? @Jay As I said... but lets look at all the current, older, mostly unused mods that can be purchased from the shops. Alright my bad, should've read the topic first.. just don't give Stallion & Picador a mod that Motorcycle clubs won't be able to drive anymore, if it ends up being voted. I 100% agree finding suitable vehicles for MC's is as difficult as it is already. Also i would suggets take away the comet because its the less used vehicle off all of the above on the server. Also what will happen to modded cars if a vehicle is changed back to its original state. For example i know tornado is one of the most used cars to take nanoshop parts from
  15. @burako its not the HQ problem i just want for example every lvl1 member to be able to take 1m per day to make events from :)
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