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  1. Happy birth day Bapho <3 :birthday_cake: :heart_suit:
  2. ::: ![Imgur link looks broken, so here is a better version]() :::
  3. Address: 15 Redbridge Road Account name: Miix Last seen: 20th June 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. ~[Happy Birthday]~ Morde! :cooldoge:
  5. Activity #27 Activity Type: Defending Store Robs Date: 24.11.20 Member(s) included: O|Andrew, [B~B]Baphomet, [B~B]Curny , and [B~B]Morde, [TT]Marso, [B~B]Napier, [TT]Nishki Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Ingame name: Napier Acount name: jacknapier Nationality: Turkish Age: 24 English Proficiency: 9/10 How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: I played a lot between 2010-2014 and came back this year. Other groups: Chaos Society Current organization: Black~Bullets What does roleplaying mean: Acting as a character of your choice. Making decisions as if you are in real life. Why do you want to join us: RTK is doing fun activities and has a good impression overall. Well, also I like doing SRs. What can you bring to Rooftop Korean: I can bring good activity and quality gameplay to Rooftop Koreans. I would like to contribute in group's roleplay too. Who are Rooftop Korean: Rooftop Koreans refer to Korean people defending their stores, shops on their rooftops from various groups like enemies, robbers. Do you have any friends in Rooftop Korean: Yes I do. @baphomet @Morde @Kaioshin Did you hanged already with any Rooftop Korean: Yes. Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler: ::: ::: What will be your korean name?: Jang-Je Seok
  7. Assisting @Generation-X at Tierra Robada Bank Robbery 17.11.2020 ::: :::
  8. Assisting @Generation-X at Los Santos Bank Robbery 17.11.2020 ::: :::
  9. Assisting @CripZ at Las Venturas Bank Robbery 14.11.2020 ::: :::
  10. Assisting @Navy-Malistrip at Las Venturas Bank Robbery 14.11.2020 ::: :::
  11. Activity: Roleplay Activity # 1 Date: 28.10.2020 CC Members: @baphomet Story: It was a casual day. I was doing my casual work as an intern mechanic. Don't get it wrong I'm a mechanic but still an apprentice. So things I do are mostly useless, boring, and exhausting. Keeping the place clean and tidy, cleaning the toilets regularlay and other borings things. Today while I was cleaning the toilets (again) I heard a crash sound. I went out running and saw the accident. Some punk hit a car on the road from behind. The car was thrown and hit the street lamp. It was somewhat working but was not in the condition to drive. The owner of the car asked us for help. So we helped him. After all it was better to help him than cleaning the toilets. We took the car into the garage. My master inspected the car. At that moment something I would never guessed has happened. He told me to fix the car by myself. I was very happy but also worried at the same time. I told him I needed guidance, that I didn't have enough information and skills. He accepted. I went to the closet and took our spare car repairing kit. Our old one was stolen, but whatever that's an another story. Firstly I opened hood by lifting it up and inspected the engine and other inner parts under the hood. As I know from earlier experiences car was not stopped during the accident and it was a sign of stable engine. Still, I ran several tests by pressing the accelerator pedal, and listened to the engine. It was solid, I was surprised actually. Damage looked terrible, yet the engine was alright. Then I suddenly realized that I was lost within my thoughts. My master was laughing at me he said "Yeah, you'll be a good mechanic, but keep yourself together don't fall in love with the car, we have to give it back after we repair it haha!". I didn't really mind him and continued my work, after I smiled at him as an indication that I acknowledged him. So these parts were all good. Then I checked under the car quickly, I didn't think there would be any damage but it wouldn't hurt to check it out. It was all good as I expected. So the car was actually functional, only its exterrior needed repair. Some body work would make it like a new car. So I checked the doors, mirrors, tires and everything. I replaced broken windows with the new ones. We waitied for the specific glass to come, this car was using an unusual type of windows. While we were waiting we took a break and had some lunch. Also I replaced the tires, they were worn and one of them were in a really bad condition. We didn't replaced front left door, it was repairable just painted it after the process. While I was doing these things I asked lots of questions, and he helped me pretty much. So finally I fixed everything, replaced broken parts and ta-daa a it was like a new bought car, straight out of a gallery. Afterwards he called the owner and gave him the good news. It was already 6:30 p.m. and we were just finished. Well, I was very exhausted but very happy, also my master congratulate me after I completed the work. The best part is, he promised me less toilet cleaning work (YES!). I'm looking forward to coming to work tomorrow! Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Hello everyone. I'm Napier and I will share my Cuban Cars activites under this topic. Activity format: ::: **Activity:** **Activity #** **Date:** **CC Members:** **Participants:** **Duration:** **Screenshots:** :::
  13. Napier


    In-game name: Napier Account name: jacknapier Current gang: Black Bullets Current groups: None How long have you been playing in SAES?: I've been playing in SAES since 2010. I played a lot at 2010-2014 and came back this year. How active are you in SAES?: I play every day, mostly between 14:00 and 22:00 server time. Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?: First of all, great RP opportunity, roleplaying in Chaos Society looks enjoyable and interesting. I would like to RP as a part of the team. Also future of this group seems very promising thanks to your group roster. I believe I can contribute to this group in the best way I can.
  14. Assisting @Navy-Malistrip at Bone County Bank Robbery 27.10.2020 ::: :::
  15. Assisting @Organization-Zero at Tierra Robada Bank Robbery: 23.10.2020 ::: ::: Assisting @Organization-Zero at Red County Bank Robbery: 23.10.2020 ::: :::
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