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  1. Low effort meme
  2. @tut-greco Nah. My suggestion is to make bikes more attractive to regular players. Having to break your keyboard just to go as fast as cars is dumb.
  3. @tut-greco Agile but dangerous. You can easily get knocked off your bike and takes long time to get back on especially on high speed. Also control on high speed is decreased. In police chases all they have to do is shoot the back tire and you are fucked. You lose most control and especially with strong bike, its all over. The up-arrow trick is also used mostly for straight road boosts. You cant turn with. IDK if its built into the game and cant be removed, but if it can I would surely trade it for engine upgrade as its mostly a cool trick. All in all, I dont think giving a decent boost would ruin the balance. I think it would normalize it. Also, perhaps smaller boost for already fast bikes like NRG and a bigger boost for slower bikes
  4. Hey. This has been on my mind for a while. Cars have engine/performance upgrades. Why not bikes? Not only most bikes are slower than most widely used cars, but they also cant be upgraded. Not everybody is gonna wanna drive bikes, but for people like me who actually like driving them, it would be a welcome addition, and perhaps promote usage of these agile vehicles. Also doesn't seem to be difficult to implement it coding-wise :/ Anyways let me know what you think :) If you vote NO, let me know why.
  5. @marksman said in [Suggestion]Warehouse Worker Job: I would really like to see it ingame, I think the server wont be cop v crims anymore if you do this job.. It'll be new and everyone gonna try it, if you make it to get bigger money like before "best job to earn money Trucker", they will spawn as civ too It would be cool if they could also add something like we already have with gas stations and refinery refueling. For example, to be able to work as warehouse worker you have to have crates/boxes to sort which need to be delivered by the truckers (basically fill warehouse storage to from 0 to 100%). Also trucker jobs need to be balanced to maintain balance between gang/squad and other civilian job pays.
  6. GG. RIP our rival MC gang.
  7. Type Of Activity: Refueling ALT refinery Date: 18.07.2021 Participations: Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Type Of Activity: Delivery man Date: 17.07.2021 Participations: Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 17.07.2021 Participations: Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Its been over a year. BUMP. Pls add this, its like 5 minutes of coding
  11. :crank: :crank: :crank: :crank: :crank::crank: TY
  12. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 26.06.2021 Participations: Screenshots: ::: :::
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