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Everything posted by Pump

  1. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #(247)=- - Simple Jail Break -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay with=- Wild Angels. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Arone @SQuiZo @Pump -=(blue,purple,maroon)Story=- It all started from a call which consists on Offering a mission for me for getting money If I do it the one that called me was Arone High Rank In Wild Angels. This Mission was about Jail Breaking his Gangmate. I told him to come base that he can explain for me the Situation Better. That's what happened after I waited for him. When he came base, He told me about Why his friend got arrested and all. I think it's a simple Jailbreak as I said in the title. I got my car & went to Bone County Police Department where his Friend is jailed. I found there The Officer Harry_Mazarrati. After talking with him a bit, He understood that I'm a secret agent and I have all the responsibility about what I'm doing. that's why, He gave me they keys of the Cells. I went to the Room where I can found the cells. I found His Friend SquiZo. I opened for him the cells we shook hands then I went with him back to arone whose the one that paid me. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Screenshots=- ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  2. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #(246)=- - Smuggling is our passion (part 2) -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay with=- : OrganiZation Zero -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Pump @flappppyyy @Reggi @Jesse420 -=(blue,purple,maroon)Story=- Then I got on my way to Another Place where I can sell it but I got a call From Flappy OrganiZation Zero Member. He knew about my deal with This Russian. So He wants to get that Smuggled Guns from Me.So I went to OrganiZation Zero Base where I found 2 of them (Jesse & Flappy). And I was with Reggi too. Before we start our deal, I asked him some questions about how did he know about the deal. He said that he got some Paid Reporters I didn't like that answer but Reggi told me to accept it & let's start and that's what happened but before we start I told him that it will cost him a lot since it's the first offer for these Guns. He gave me a bag of money. After I count it I found just 50.000$ that's a bit for the first offer. So I told him that I'll sell it to you for this money If I get some drugs with it. He accepeted without thinking. After that I got the money & Drugs on the Trunk of the plane and went back to the base after shaking hands with Flappy. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Screenshots=- ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  3. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #(245)=- Smuggling is Our Passion -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay with=- : OrganiZation Zero -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Pump @TheDark -=(blue,purple,maroon)Story=- All of these Days I was waiting for the Russians Guy Called James_Norivine to Come with the Guns to The airport that I can do some Smuggling around SA. Finally, this day came when I got called from Him. So I told him to meet me at Bone County Airport to make the guns on the plane that I can Start my work. After 1 hour, They Guy came with the New Manufactured Guns Recommended. First, He told 100 bullets for 100$ It was a good offer. that's why I accepted and took the Guns & transported it to the plane. Then I got on my way to Another Place where I can sell it but ... -=(blue,purple,maroon)Screenshots=- ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  4. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #244=- - Arms Dealing ROLEPLAY STORY : A few days ago, I saw a truck going with a lot of crates on its trunk written army on crates. But I was sure about that the driver wasn't from army nor working in army. After 2 days I heard that truck is owned by The Company, the crates were moving by their members to their place. I thought they were going to use them for themselves but when I heard the crates are for sale, I had a friend inside, called him and wanted to make a deal about the weapons. The weapons were valuable, hard to find. As they are either stolen or bought from the army, no idea however that happened but anyway. I took one of my friends and went to their place. I talked about the price firstly, they were selling them for cheap. I decided to buy dirrectly, didnt want to lose that chance. Went inside their building and saw the crates and weapons in it. We bought assault rifles and SMG with their bullets. We paid the cash & took crates back to our place succesfully. PARTICIPANTS : @Pump ##spoiler==Spoiler https://imgur.com/a/vFMmq7n ##endspoiler
  5. -=(blue,purple,maroon)LS BR 8/8=- ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  6. -=(blue,purple,maroon)LV BR 8/8=-
  7. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #(243)=- - Information in need (part two) -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay with=- : N/A -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Pump @Sparrow -=(blue,purple,maroon)Story=- I got the car then went to Las Venturas Police Department where I found an Office working so I told him that I'm from F.B.I And I Found A drugs dealer selling In San Fierro near The Bank. I gave him the Pieces of information that I bought from Commando Da Capital & His Location on the phone. He told me to give him evidence that I'm F.B.I so I called his Chief. After he told him that I'm a secret agent from F.B.I he called all units to the Recommended place so I got a sit waiting for the officer call telling me the results. Here It is, My phone Rang it was a long number. I answered it's was the voice of the same office telling me good news that the Criminal got arrested. Like that, I came back to base happy with something easy that I did. And Tomorrow as Always, I came to the zone where I found the Drugs dealer and started doing my job. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Screenshots=- ##spoiler=Spoiler ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/5Jdvgr7.jpg ##endspoiler
  8. Number of event: 302 -=(blue,purple,maroon)Event Name=-: Fallout -=(blue,purple,maroon)LWS/G6:=- Pular -=(blue,purple,maroon)Prize :=- 1.000.000 -=(blue,purple,maroon)Winner(s):=- TwiXXX -=(blue,purple,maroon)Screenshots:=- ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  9. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #(242)=- In need of Informations -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay with=- : Commando Da Capital -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Pump @Bernasx -=(blue,purple,maroon)Story=- It's 6.30PM time to sell Some Guns, So, I got on my way to The Company Zone where We sell Arms there in an irregular Way. When I reached there, I saw someone selling some drugs. I was shocked Because only our costumers know this place. Before 1 hour, When I was reading the news about gangs, I have seen that a drugs dealer selling In Gang's Zone and he did this with Commando Da Capital. So, I got an idea and it was about getting some pieces of information about him then I can get him easy without any trouble. So I Went to Commando Da Capital Base after calling Bernasx to meet me there. When I reached There, I found the guy that I called him. It was a good deal. I gave him the money he gave peace of Informations. Nothing special Happened. I got the car then ... -=(blue,purple,maroon)Screenshots=- ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  10. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Event Number=-: 301 -=(blue,purple,maroon)Event Name=-: 1 VS 1 SNIPER -=(blue,purple,maroon)LWS/G6:=- Strong -=(blue,purple,maroon)Prize :=- 1.000.000 -=(blue,purple,maroon)Winner(s):=- Boylan -=(blue,purple,maroon)Screenshots=-: ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  11. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #(241)=- - Assist & Secure -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay with=- : Wild Angels -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Pump @Karma @Danger @Strong @Speed -=(blue, purple, maroon)Story=- Today, When I was hanging around with my Friend Speed, I got a call From Karma (Wild Angels Member). He told me that they are in need of Some help with their Bank Robin Bone County. They need someone from our Secret Members to Make the workers Don't interrupt their Bank Rob. So, I got my car and went to their Base to do the recommended Job. When I got there I found Karma & Danger waiting for me. I talked with them a bit. They told me that they will start this Bank Rob tomorrow at 6.30 PM. Strong interupted our talking about how much Do we need Money. I was about to answer when Karma said: 80% 20% that's what made me feel angry. that's not fair As I think. I told him 50% 50% but no answers so I got my phone, Talked with My leader he told me 30% 70%. I can't refund what my leader says. so I accepted it without saying any word. Tomorrow at 5.30, I Went to the bank where I found the Worker there writting in his PC. I told him to get out of here. He told me that I'm not His Master to say that to him. In no time, I called BC-Chief. I told him about this worker. So I gave the phone to this worker and I just saw him getting out of the bank. When that happened, I called Wild Angels that my mission is done. so they came to the bank. it all ended up getting my 30% and coming back to base. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Screenshots= ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  12. -=(blue,purple,maroon)SF BR 8/8=-
  13. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Story=- : -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #(240)= Revenge Roleplay with=- : Organization Zero -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Jesse420 @Noisyboy @Pump -=(blue,purple,maroon)Story=- These Days The Company is getting better & better proof of that it reached the Elite Class, That's good but it can't be only Good there is Bad too like this lawyer that trying to make THC down with his actions. So, I decided with a permission from adistar to try to make him feel the pain. so I called Z to take him from His house and bring it to us. So I went to Z base Base where I gave Jesse the infos about (His Picture & Location) after that, I leaned a cigar waiting for Jesse to come with this Lawyer. In 15 minutes, I heard the sound of Jesse's Car's Motor. So I went to him, He did the job, He got the Lawyer which is recommended so I told him to guard him that I can Take the money from my Car to Z's Car. Then I got the Recommended Person. Then, We went back to THC base where I put him in our jail. After that, We decided to do a party of this Succes Deal. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Screenshots=- ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  14. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #(239)= ~Golden Chris Sniper~ Roleplay with=- : Wild Angels -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Pump & @KARIM -=(blue, purple, maroon)Story=-: After we got the new prototype of Sniper which is called "Golden Chris Sniper" it's time to share that news. We got 2 Suggestions to buy it. it was from Wild Angels & The Avenues. Like Wild Angels are our friends we have chosen to deliver This Prototype to them first. So, after doing some practice in Boxing which is something that I like too much, I called Karim the responsible of this deal from Wild Angels To tell him that We are going to deal at WA base tomorrow 9 PM. He accepted without any other suggestion. Tomorrow, at about 8.30 PM I went to the room where we have putten the Gold Sniper. I refueled the Helicopter with this prototype and got on my way to Wild Angels base where I found Karim waiting for me there to start the deal. When I described him what this gun can do and what's special in it. He told me that he will buy 500 bullets. it cost him 1.725$ but I did for him a reduction that made him pay at about 1.620$. I got the money and went back to base after putting What Karim Paid in the Heli. Before I went to search a new deal or mission I refueled our safe. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Screenshots=- ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  15. -=(blue,purple,sienna)Evening Activity=-
  16. -=(blue,purple,maroon)SF BR 8/8=-
  17. -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #238=- - Documents VS Money -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Noisyboy @S1p3R @Pump Story: After Pump got some pieces of information that the administer John_Smith went with his family for a vacation. He decided to Do a heist for his house maybe he find something expensive or something that can take advantage for THC. Like This is the first Mission for Pump with THC, He called Noisyboy to accompany him. In 2 minutes, Noisy Came to The Base. Before they go to the House, Pump Explained what they will do in this Mission which we can consist of A-grade Mission. When they reached there, Pump parked the car. after that, Noisy shot the door with 2 shots and it's open. They entered the house. They didn't find anybody but they find what they came to which is some documents that include a Deal between the Head minister & the enemy Country. that's why Noisyboy, in no time, called the President telling him to meet me without any bodyguard in Whetstone because there's something important he wanted to tell him about & bring a lot of money with you. So, to not lose much time we went to the airport, exactly, where we have a plane (shamal). After putting the documents on it we got on our way to the recommended place. We found the President like noisy said to him without any bodyguard with 2 big bags of money. I talked with him about the reason of this meeting he told me to give him the proof and that's what I've done after taking the money. After making the Money in the Shamal, we got on our way back to Base where all started. Screenshots: ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
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