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Posts posted by muffy

  1. @SAFP-Stoner Yes exactly, I am also confused why they are afraid of this. I mean mute option is there and range option is also there and about server lag and all just search for "voice" in mta server browser or samp you will find server which are using voice and running with full capacity i m talking like 1K players playing at a time and with voice.

  2. @Ramby Sorry but this is a global server and mainly Europe I guess. So I can not argue about some or a few players who only speak kebab :) .Mostly we have to make some changes to get ahead and stay in the current age. I am not saying they will not misuse it for a while but for 3 days they will speak kebab or 1 week or 2 weeks after that they will learn and speak some English words hearing you and others. ELSE GET REPORTED I GUESS! ha ha ha

  3. Myself muffy, I am an Old player on this server currently in the organization zero.

    MUTE SETTINGS: You can directly see in your MTA Audio Setting to Mute Voice Volume if you don't like it just mute from there. If you want to give it a shot again than unmute from there only so simple(Master Volume will remain same only people voice will be muted).

    NOTE : You can find some implementation links at end of this post.

    I need to make a suggestion about implementing voice chat. I had gone through some voice server and it works well and I guess no bugs I could notice.

    If the voice chat is enabled and it works fine we will be the first English server to do that and can expect some more crowed.

    RP can be a little strict if we want and we can able to play without failing to move and We can also do some good streaming as well. I mean, I can stream well if this gets on.

    Those who are miss using this like screaming and all can be punished If a reporter can provide video evidence of that but screaming and all happens in GTA 5 also so I don't think that will affect that much as we can adjust the radius of taking.

    Concern about SR and BR as it is planned and all avoid chatting While they ROB so If scripter can disable talking in banks and SR that will not be an issue and if they can only allow some high ranking players to do that (I have not seen that but just hope they can find some way) than that can be even better in that type of congested places.

    As at last, it all depends on players following rules and not making every good thing worst. I guess we can count on some old and loyal players to behave and make this successful.

    FOR TESTING SERVER DIRECT IMPLEMENTATION:http://techfurk.blogspot.com/2013/07/how-to-enable-voice-chat-on-mtasa-and.html

    JUST DEMO SCRIPT NOT DIRECT SCRIPT TO IMPLEMENT NEED TO CHECK BY SCRIPTERS: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=15958

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