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Everything posted by Freeze667

  1. Address: 4 Ls Marina Account name: piemonster11 Last seen: 12th November 2021 Screenshots:
  2. Address: Redline Lawyer Corp Account name: royalty Last seen: 10th January 2021 Screenshots:
  3. 09/06/2022 Assisting HS BR BC Participants: Hotfire, Matvey, Pinky, Adrian, William, me Screenshots [s=] [/s] SR Participants: Pinky, Rasta, Matvey, Adrian, Mahmod, Prophet, me Screenshots [s=] [/s] Assisting O BR LS Participants: Rasta, Anas, William, Matvey, me Screenshots [s=] [/s]
  4. Activity Date: 03/06/2022 Late Night Chill SR Participants : Yoko, Bizzle, Colo and me [s=] [/s]
  5. Activity Date: 30/05/2022 SR Participants : Hotfire, Koko, Matvey, Me [s=] [/s]
  6. Happy birthday mate!
  7. Activity Date: 12/05/2022 Late Night SR Participants : Yoko, Expert [s=] [/s]
  8. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 12/05/2022 Participants: Fristen Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JxEOyWb
  9. Type Of Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Date: 04/05/2022 Participants: Fristen Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zx72GQq
  10. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 05/05/2022 Participants: Fristen Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Wyz6AAB
  11. Activity Date: 04/05/2022 SR Participants : Kikas, Zwolle, Clown [s=] [/s]
  12. Activity Date: 04/05/2022 AA Presents 1v1 Tennis Nade LWS : @Tamer Winner : @Aoxy Reward : 2,000,000 $ [s=] [/s]
  13. Activity Date: 02/05/2022 SR Participants : Kikas, Corpse [s=][/s]
  14. Activity Date: 30/04/2022 RP's Story: On the 23rd of April, Underground Empire's @Absent got in touch with our management to close a firearms deal at a price of 1.7 million dollars, the goods had to be ready for shipment in a week. The demanded quantity was so huge that we had recourse to ALT company in order to provide us with an armed trucker ( @KaKi ) who will help us carry out the operation. On the 30th of April, the products were fully stockpiled in AA base and ready to be transferred. It's 9 A.M, Fristen got a phone call from @Kok, his vis-a-vis from UE, in order to confirm the delivery and agree on some details regarding the roads to be used and the arrival time. Everything is set. [s=][/s] It's 1:25 PM, 5 Arms Assassins members are moving, clearing the way for @KaKi and protecting the shipment. We are headed to UE base. Apparently, intel got leaked to SA Interceptors who were positioned in Red County waiting for the trucks to pass by. We got pulled over. [s=][/s] The members, after trying to calm the stubborn officer down and bribe him, were obliged to deploy force. Captain Robinson not only agreed to let us be on our way but also vowed to stop tracking every AA move and inform the gang management of any material information concerning emergency teams' plans against the organization. The situation is under control. [s=] [/s] The goods safely arrived and were unloaded by UE members. [s=][/s] The exchange was successful. @kikas, @Corpseeeeeeee and @Cheess arranged the cash bags in the G-Wagon trunk, saluted our business partners and returned to San Fierro. Mission Accomplished.
  15. Activity Date: 18/04/2022 Assisting ThC 1st BR [s=] [/s] Assisting ThC 2nd BR [s=] [/s] SR [s=] [/s] Assisting CDC BR [s=] [/s] Assisting RF BR [s=] [/s] AA FTW
  16. SR [s=] [/s] PBR [s=] [/s]
  17. My baby husky Luna : 1 month old : 1 and a half month old : 2 months old: 3months old (now): Video https://i.imgur.com/8OzdC9M.mp4!
  18. Hey folks. I hope you are all safe and enjoying your quarantine. Let me start by saying that I miss you all even if you didn't remember me ( I hope you do tho ). I used to be ZIP Architect as far as I remember then got promoted to be the LDE lead under the management of whether Roneseal or Tilong I don't really remember. I had been playing SAES from 2011 to 2014 and went inactive for 6 years. Today I feel the urge to come back and restart the journey. I can see on the server that I have been kicked and that's surely due to inactivity. And here I come with my inquiry; is it possible that I enjoy spawning as ZIP once again ?
  19. Nickname: Fristen Username: Fristen Age : 21 years old Country : Tunisia Languages spoken: English ( certified level ) French Arabic German From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? : (10/10) How long have you been playing on SAES: I had been intensively playing SAES from 2011 to 2014 and then left the server for personal compelling circumstances. I have always been nostalgic and eager to start another journey among this community and here I am joining again for the first time in 6 years. This fact coincided with the recruitment of the prestigious AA. Timing has changed but we always carry the same spirit and ready to roll ! In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: I used to be an AA member for 1 year under Couves' and NTCO management so not only that I am acquainted with the gang's RP and have a deep comprehension about it but I had also witnessed and practiced it. AA's purpose, and I believe it had succeeded in it, is to establish a monopoly in the guns industry. Consequently, AA's roleplay simply is to deliver guns to the customers and to be dominant in the market by making sure every member is specialized in gunnery and by working the most important deals there is. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): B~B : used to have lots of connections with whom I had a great experience but when the time came I left to join AA. AA : spent a year and got kicked because of a conflict over the management style in the gang. This was years ago as I was just deepening my understanding about what this is all about. I perceive coming back as a challenge and if I am here today it's because I want to ensure that I've been developing myself in order to deserve the fun of spawning as AA again. SoA : I got in after my AA's period had unfortunately come to and end. I didn't leave but the gang unfortunately died. MG: I was one of its founders with my irl friends, worked there as an HQ in my latest year on SAES. Gang died due to inactivity. ALT: Worked there for a considerable period of time under Tilong's management. I left on good terms to found my trucking company with is uTc ( Universal Trucking Comany ) uTc : Led the company for couple of months. Acquired level 1 but I totally forgot the reason for not pursuing the next level. ambitions change as we go on. ZIP : I was the manager of the LDE Department. Left for inactivity after I stopped playing MTA. LWS : Inactivity after I stopped Playing. SAP : Inactivity after I stopped Playing. PS: Those are the clans I remember. Excuse me if I ever forgot anything else. It was a long time ago. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: Never. Name 3 Bankrob rules: Minimum number of four gang members to engage in a bank robbery. 3 Bank robberies per day allowed for a single gang. Gangs' members are prohibited from ruining other bank robberies led by rival gangs in any form ( spawning as police or giving information ) Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: Not to leak info. Be as supportive as possible and not be a disturbing element whether to their cracker or to their defending mission. Name 3 Turf rules: Not to spawn in properties inside the turn. Not camp on unreachable spots. You can defend an allied turf only if there is at least one connected member of the gang to which belong the turf zone. What is Roleplay?: Act out or perform the part of a character and considering every aspect of it while playing. What is Deathmatching?: Deathmatching is attacking and causing damage to a player without any legitimate reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Under the condition that he's a new player I'll try to help through communicating the common rules of the server. If he persisted I am left with no choice other than reporting him because with this behavior he will cause unfavorable disturbance to the playing atmosphere of the server. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Calmly go on my way. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied? : I may still have connections with really old members but I honestly didn't hang with anyone from AA lately as I just rejoined. But I am planning to do so as soon as I complete my application. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): I am a very determined and persistent person. I honestly regret leaving the server but I had faced a very critical tradeoff so here is Fristen in few words; A fun person that will bring good humor to the crew, a very strict and professional player when it comes to tough missions and tasks, I consider myself an old and experienced player among a variety of fields and most importantly, AA's recruitment being open, gave me a boost and a big urge to get on this journey again !
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