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Everything posted by Purpleweed

  1. Activity; Patrol / VIP activities with @Final324 and some trainee's Date; 06-05-2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fTuI00n
  2. Activity; Patrolling with @snoopys Date; 28-04-2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GkAyqOE
  3. Activity; We stopped the bankrob Date; 25-04-2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1VSbgmh
  4. @Bart Good reply bro, but I got a opinion and this post is public. So it's not strange that I'll let my opinion know on this situation. And you are not responsible for things that I write on my account agree. That would be nonsense.
  5. @Bartman So just because it costs me 500$ its okay to overkill ?
  6. @xDarkMan Kinda weird the guy that's asking for attention is posting 60% of the video. If you ask my opinion in this, story we had no intention of baiting reports or bullying the guy. Otherwise I would have shot on him, not next to him. Besides that, the guy got scared so throwed the nade. We understand that part, so we dont report him on that situation. But as you can see on the reply video, you see the guy killing me after the incident. This was pure overkill, (no reason to kill) (no reason to kill) = (Deathmatching) We were just having a fun, we would not expect that he would throw nade and kill 2 of us. Common criminal would not have done that if you ask me.
  7. Address: Appartment Block 130 Account name: anton255 Last seen: 23 March 2020 Screenshots: https://gyazo.com/bc5a63fda97917d9a31e8a989161cca1 https://gyazo.com/ae3195f9e94bb9f05e428bd1fa208521
  8. Happy birthday my boy @iPodissexy ! :crazypepe: :right-facing_fist: :beer:
  9. @Bartman Let's say they have to change something about it, because its not a challenge most of the time if the VIP is already in a criminal or police his hands.
  10. @Xavier Everything what I have saw everytime the VIP is being transported, Criminals + Cops are no chasing it because most of the time its a time waste. Ofcourse you have situations like you have clipped. But personally I think, if you would mix the BriefCase / VIP together. It would pack out better.
  11. Hello, hello, I am Purpleweed and as some of you might've already know, I have been playing on the server for a couple of weeks. Before here I've played on different type of servers which I won't write down the name of'. On that server they had a script named: 'Briefcase', which is equal to the 'VIP' one here. What I'd like to suggest to chance about the script (and other players) is the way of transporting the VIP. And with that I mean, making it impossible in the future to transport the VIP by a vehicle. This means that you are only able to transport the VIP by foot, no jumping, no crouching, just run Why? Well, currently it is not a challenge anymore when the VIP is in an vehicle, heading to the drop zone. And because of this adjustment in the script, it increases the enthusiasm because you've longer, more challenging, multiple chances until the VIP is dropped at the drop zone. Changes: Transporting by foot instead of by a vehicle. Shorter distances to the drop zone. Please fill in the poll if you'd like to see this implemented! Greetings, Purpleweed.
  12. What a sexy guy
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