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  1. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/forums/topic/30661-donation-point-balance-real/#comment-333834 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? https://saesrpg.uk/forums/topic/37970-cambio-de-recompensa-real/#comment-402266 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal + warp Weed Location: (SF AP) Username: (turealpro11) Interior:N/A Part IV: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal+Warp weed Location: (BC AP) Username: (turealpro11) Interior: Part V: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Maverick+warp Weed Location: ( ) Username: (turealpro11) Interior: Part VI: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Bullet+ Warp nano Location: ( ) Username: (turealpro11) Interior:
  2. **Activity Type:** SR **Date:** 28 // 11 // 23 **SS**
  3. **Activity Type:** SR **Date:** 28 // 11 // 23 **SS**
  4. **Activity Type:** VIP **Date:** 28 // 11 // 23 **SS**
  5. **Activity Type:** SR **Date:** 28 // 11 // 23 **SS**
  6. **Activity Type:** SR **Date:** 28 // 11 // 23 **SS**
  7. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? July 13, 2022 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Infernus, NRG Location: (Rockshore East Flats 8) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Turismo Location: (Rockshore East Flats 8) Username: (turealpro11) Interior: The other 10 that are left over I want 2 generic wraps, one for the shamal and one for the stratum
  8. **Activity Type:** SR **Date:** 27 // 11 // 23 **SS**
  9. Parte I: Vincula tu tema de seguimiento de donaciones: ==================================================== ======================= Parte III: Lo que quiero que se agregue Vehículo 1: Shamal, infernus, Super GT, stratum, jester, NRG Ubicación: Rockshore East Flats 8 Nombre de usuario: turealpro11 Interior: Interior grande 23: [s=]
  10. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30661/saldo-de-puntos-de-donacion-real?_=1642752801857 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31227/reward-change-real?_=1650657136945 Part II: What I Want to be Removed n/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Bullet, shamal, Stratum , NRG-500 Location: The bullet, NRG and Stratum in this location (Rockshore East Flats 8) Shamal Is LV AP Username: turealpro11 I want this Wrap for the Bullet https://i.imgur.com/DyoRQSi.png I ant this wrap for the NRG-500 https://i.imgur.com/KGf5s4l.png I want this wrap for the shamal https://i.imgur.com/yXeTVdY.png i want this wrap for the stratum https://i.imgur.com/yXeTVdY.png Interior: -
  11. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30661/saldo-de-puntos-de-donacion-real?_=1642752801857 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31227/reward-change-real?_=1650657136945 Part II: What I Want to be Removed n/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Fort GT, shamal, Car police, NRG-500 Location: The Ford GT Y in Nrg Here[s=][/s] Here The Car Police [s=][/s] Shamal Is LV AP Username: turealpro11,Valgitin I want this Wrap for the Bullet https://i.imgur.com/DyoRQSi.png I want this wrap for the NRG-500 https://i.imgur.com/KGf5s4l.png I want this wrap for the shamal https://i.imgur.com/yXeTVdY.png Interior: -
  12. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30661/saldo-de-puntos-de-donacion-real?_=1642752801857 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25577/reward-change-real?_=1642752801860 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Bullet, shamal, Car police, NRG-500 Location: (I want the Shamal in the airport of the adventures, and the other cars in this location... Rockshore East Flats 8 ) Username: (turealpro11) I want this Wrap for the Bullet https://i.imgur.com/DyoRQSi.png I want this wrap for the NRG-500 https://i.imgur.com/KGf5s4l.png I want this wrap for the shamal https://i.imgur.com/yXeTVdY.png Interior:
  13. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30661/saldo-de-puntos-de-donacion-real?_=1642752801857 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25577/reward-change-real?_=1642752801860 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Stratum, shamal, infernus, Super GT Location: (I want the Shamal in the airport of the adventures, and the other cars in this location https://i.imgur.com/O2T42Dg.png) Username: (turealpro11) I want this Wrap for the Super GT https://i.imgur.com/DyoRQSi.png I want this wrap for the stratum https://i.imgur.com/KGf5s4l.png I want this wrap for the shamal https://i.imgur.com/yXeTVdY.png Interior:
  14. Display Name: Real Username: turealpro11 Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21691/donation-real-amount-5-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21688/donacion-cantidad-real-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21636/donacion-cantidad-real-2-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21632/donacin-cantidad-real-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21209/donation-ninja-amount-3-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22924/donation-real-ordenado-por-ilusin https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25027/donation-real-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25150/donation-real-amount-5-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25559/donation-real-amount-10-00-gbp?_=1614888567940 Total number of Donation Points: 62
  15. Date: 17/3/2021 - 5 min Participants: @KanoX @NEUTRO Type of activity: transport DescriptionTransporting money from LV to SF Link to images: ::: :::
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