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Everything posted by DanieL1

  1. SECTION 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname:** DanieL Username: DanielSvetlev Nationality: Bulgarian Age: 20 Which languages can you speak: English/Bulgarian Indicate your skills in each language [1-10]: 5/10 In-game playtime hours (hold TAB): 22Hours Have you been kicked/banned from SAES before? If yes, reasons?: N/A Previous G/S/C?: N/A Why did you leave or got kicked from the G/S/C Above?: N/A Tell us something about yourself, be self-conscious and explicit: hello my name is Daniel from Bulgaria at 20 years old i love to play games. Your gang is amazing and I would very much like to join you. You are good at: I'm a good shooter and I'm good at driving You are bad at: I can not remember What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?: Nothing SECTION 2: ROLEPLAY Explain in a few words. What means Role Play for you: Roleplay is all related to the real life, for example, a cop pulls you over and start to make a conversation about the reason why he pulled you over at all. SECTION 3: RULES Did you read the rules of F1?: Yes What does "avoiding arrest" mean?: Avoid Arrest its when cops chasing me and i tryed to kill my self or i go disconnect. What does "Death-Matching" mean?: killing someone with no reason. Tell us three General Rules (F1) rules: 1-Only English in Main Chat 2-Not Allowed to do fake report 3-Don't spawn the chat Tell us three Turf War rules: 1.dont spawn as an cop to help your gang 2.you can use only hospital or your gang spawn 3.Don't spawn as a medic Tell us three Bank Rob rules: 1-gang members can kill players inside and outside the bank 2-one gang can make only 3 BR for 1 day 3-Don't Use anims Tell us three Store Rob rules: 1.Dont use anims 2-Don't Kill Criminals Don't Use nades SECTION 4: GENERAL QUESTIONS Why should we accept you, how could you benefit us? I can help with my activity. I will always help and be of help to you. **Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? , Who? Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with cdc members (use a spoiler or a link):
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