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Everything posted by Zodiyac

  1. Bumps, closing the auction pretty soon!
  2. STARTING BID: 1.000.000$
  3. Near one of the SRs STARTING BID: 500.000$
  4. Address: Offices For Rent Corp Account name: ucanfill Last seen: 28th June 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/E27eCyu
  5. SOLD,can be archieved!
  6. 3m highest bid atm! bops
  7. Many more wonderul years to come! long live THC!
  8. Correction: The starting bid was supposed to be 1.000.000$
  9. STARTING BID: 10.000.000$
  10. Good for Donation vehicles Around 25 seconds on foot to the bank STARTING BID: 1.000.000$
  11. Located in the northeast of LS Two billboards only 1 disk for the whole area Starting bid: 1.000.000$ Pictures:
  12. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 25/07/2020 Participants: @Zodiyac Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oHXTJf1
  13. ATM's are meant to be for withdrawing money.
  14. Happy birthday and the best is yet to come! much love
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