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Lumen's Achievements
Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? A long long time ago probably in archive version of web. ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Have nothing to remove, wiped out. ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Hotring Racer aka BMW in garage. Usernames to lock: jiom ; twister ; Location: 6 Hillsea Road Username: jiom Interior: Small interior 4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vehicle 2: Alpha in garage. Usernames to lock: jiom ; twister ; Location: Penthouse De Yoko Username: jiom Interior: Small interior 2 ________________________________________________________________ Vehicle 3: Super GT Usernames to lock: jiom ; twister ; Vehicle 4: Police Car (Comet/Porche) Usernames to lock: jiom ; twister ; Vehicle 5: Kart maybe under roof? Usernames to lock: jiom ; twister ; Location: house of the yak Username: jiom Interior: Small interior 7 ____________________________________________________________________ Vehicle 6: Jester Usernames to lock: jiom ; twister ; Location: House of the Crocodile Username: twister Interior: -
Hello, long time didn't see any of you. Title: Donation Point Balance - (Your Display Name) Display Name: Lumen Username: jiom Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/42954-donation-lumen-amount-5500/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/57568-donation-lumen-amount-500/ Total number of Donation Points: 60 if I am being correct.
Address: Small Shop 2 Account name: dudutokiya Last seen: 23rd March 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hSwINf0
Address: San Fierro South Docks Shop 27 Account name: dudutokiya Last seen: 23rd March 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hSwINf0
@AdemBygt said in Alligator Fight Club | Official Page: Will you fight crocodiles? , animal enemies ... Good luck. Thank you, we could become partners and do more stuff together in further with your fight club. or pick up the best fighters from both clubs later few months and make huge event that SA never seen before, cya on the streets!
^[] ^[AFC Organization Activities] __ Kind of activity: Participants (roles should be described): Date and time: Screenshots:
^[] ^[Alligator Fight Club Information] Date of creation: 25.03.2020 Director of Organization: Vadim "Lumen" Petro Office Adress: Los Santos "ls uber orange home" Type: Corporation, Joint-Stock Company Tag: [afc] Organization is the mixed martial arts promotion with an building and changing structure, from the director to shareholders, referees and fighters, viewers. AFC is looking forward to sign contracts with San Andreas radio and TV stations. It's not just another underground club. Contacts and information: Telegram - t.me/saesalligator ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[Championship Information] Championship lasts for a month and it's separated to exact amount of fights that counts from the number of fighters. Speadsheet with a schedule of fights would be placed every month in current topic once we pick enough fighters. ~[Here is a few notes]~(red): So is it about fighters, could I come alone? No, your team have to include 2 people = trainer and fighter. Also AFC organization takes care of hiring medics and security to upcoming event. AFC provides referee that is controls whole fight, he could stop the fight in case of violations. We are working via paid battle attendance(~[$$$]~(green)), cost of tickets values from how important and huge fight is. You'd get notification about incoming fight 30 mins before it starts in our Telegram Channel. We are working at opportunity to let you view it for free via some TV or Radio in San Andreas. AFC will agree on a partnership soon we believe. Every team ~[have to]~(red) attend to "trashtalk" when you supposed to meet face-to-face your opponent and say everything that you think about him, place where we will invite SA reporters and make the news about upcoming fights based on this. ^[Salary & Rewards] Fighter Team - ~[150.000]~(green,green)$ for winning team where ~70% takes the fighter and 30% takes traineer. ~[75.000]~(green)$ for team that lost the fight, 70/30 works here too. Referee - ~[25000]~(green)$ per fight. Medic - ~[25000]~(green)$ per fight. Security - ~[60000]~(green)$ to a squad from 3 guards per fight. Champion award - by the end of season that lasts one month champion will be granted by ~[5.000.000]~(green)$ and any vehicle/helicopter that he wants locked to him. ~[Note]~(red): vehicle is time-limited award, if you don't defend your title it goes to other champion, this is your belt. ^[What could be counted as violation that could cause ~[disqualification]~(red)?] Fighter doesn't fight and runs by circles in ring; Figher hits the referee accidentally more than 5 times; If team doesn't listen to the referee; ~[YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HIT LAYING FIGHTER, YOU WORK IN THE RACK]~(red); ^[] ^[You could become a part of us! Shareholders, how does it work!?] A shareholder can be a person, company, or organization that holds stock(s) in a given company. A shareholder must own a minimum of one share in a companys stock or mutual fund to make them a partial owner. Shareholders typically receive declared dividends if the company does well and succeeds. Also called a stockholder, they have the right to vote on certain matters with regard to the company and to be elected to a seat on the board of directors (you must have minumum 8 shares to pretend). Single share cost at 25.03.2020 - 31.03.2020: ~[1000000]~(green)$ So what are dividends I get if I bought one? Let us describe, you will get extra ~[10%]~(red) from the single share you bought. For example if you bought one share for ~[1000000]~(green)$ we'll repay you ~[1100000]~(green)$ after ~[30-days]~(red) or you also availible to choose daily payments and recieve ~[36.666]~(green)$ per day(+10%/30). ~[Note:]~(red) you are not allowed to buy more than 2 per month! ^[Organization Members] Managers: Director - Vadim Petro @Lumen Head of Security Service - CheGun Shishani @chegun Referee: Medics: Security: ~[Recuitment is opened]~(green) currently, you should leave an application in this thread, example will be placed at the end of information topic. ^[~[Shareholders 49/100%]~(green)] Vadim "Lumen" Petro - owns 51% of shares, only 49% is availible for sale currently. Example: Name of Shareholder - % bought - type of payment - date - AFC payout every month/day ($$$) Name of Shareholder - % bought - type of payment - date - AFC payout every month/day ($$$) Name of Shareholder - % bought - type of payment - date - AFC payout every month/day ($$$) Name of Shareholder - % bought - type of payment - date - AFC payout every month/day ($$$) Name of Shareholder - % bought - type of payment - date - AFC payout every month/day ($$$) ^[] ^[Application to Join] What's your name: (RP full name with nickname in-middle) Age: Nationality: Are you member of a squad/gang: ~[Career objective: (referee, medic, security)]~(navy) ~[Why should we take you, whats your advantages:]~(navy) ~[How's your team named:]~(red) ~[Who is your traineer: (full RP name)]~(red) ~[What could you tell us about yourself?:]~(red) If you are just trying to get ~[employe job]~(navy) you should remove ~[fighter's part.]~(red) ^[Want to become partners? Contact us and we discuss it.] with best regards, Director of AFC Vadim "Lumen" Petro.
Hello, found this one in the middle of SF. Pretty usable for some needs, have the gates and door that means it's proper house? 2 garages also and no single house icon nearby. I have the donation that would be great to place there, interior and a lot of vehicles. Would be really useful guys, thank you. Screenshots attached. Looking for any SAHA agent in-game to help me out. with best regards, Lumen.
Hello everyone. I used to be a zip worker and even climbed to architect in 2013, been playing from 2011 and some of you may know me as Lumen, after I gone inactive for a long time, been joining for couple days sometimes and back to nowhere, finally gone few years ago, 3-4 maybe and now came back and trying to stay at the server. Wanted to get back into the team and try build something special. My Username: jiom My Name: Lumen I only have this: Approved application for ZIP - https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/45270-lumens-application/ and my posts about me trying to get into LWS by doing events as ZIP member (but screens got expired) too much time passed - https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/23929-lightning-world-sports/?page=16&tab=comments#comment-848457
Part I: How much have you donated for the server - 60 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change - I don't even remember because I've been inactive for longer than 2-4 years, just joining sometimes to look what's new, all the vehicles got removed same as the properties, I've lost it all :) Why do you need to change the location: because there is no "current" location, everything got removed, I am bought new house in Los Santos and wanted to move everything I could right there. Links to your donation topics: it's all supposed to be in archive, but I couldn't find it, looking for 30 mins already, tired. My profile in previous web-site, archive one, says that I've donated 60 GBP and this is me obviously, couple of admins could proove it. The same account in-game. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/6673-lumen/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: old and gone deep dark in archive web-site. Part II: What I Want to be Removed - there is nothing to remove. Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Black Stratum with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas, Vehicle 2: Black Hotring Racer with V8 and the same red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas, Vehicle 3: Black Apha with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas Vehicle 4: Black Turismo with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas Vehicle 5: Black Landstalker with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas Vehicle 6: NRG-500 black. Lock to: jiom, igthomas Location is my house: Username: jiom and could you please add me to donator spawn. Interior: requesting to add interior to my only house "9 East Beach" that located in Los Santos, nearby Stadium, large one number 22.