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Posts posted by epicx.

  1. Part I:
    How much have you donated for the server?: 10 quids

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?; never

    Why do you need this change? Because I couldn't find the car I asked for initially

    Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/18767/donation-epicx-amount-10-00-gbp/2

    Links to your previous donation changes requests: n/a


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: Nothing since the car I asked for is already removed, I guess you removed it when I went inactive




    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Kart

    Location: ThC Base

    Username: helracktor


  2. alt text
    Involved SAI members: Hank_Clint (Epic)

    Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A

    Other involved people: Dali

    Date, time and duration of activity: 19th of May 2020, 18:45PM, 30 minutes

    Activity type: Roadblock

    Activity Details: Captain Hank Clint was sat in his office, filling out some paperwork, as he got called by the headquarters, San Andreas Interceptors has been contacted by the state of Las Venturas to assist in an on-going maintenance work occurring at the Las Venturas - San Fierro highway.
    In order to facilitate the traffic and the passage of the vehicles, San Andreas Interceptors, Captain, Hank Clint, took the cruiser, filled with the roadblock equipment in the trunk.
    Arriving on scene, first thing first, Captain Clint went on and had a work with leading architect there. The workers were deployed in the middle of the road, working as hard as they can to finish their job as fast as possible.
    An alternative temporary road has been provided for the passengers, and our job there was to shut down the road and indicate the new one.
    Equipment has been set with the assistance of some workers from the ZIP, After that, local police forces reported on scene too, the traffic officers assisted us in directing the drivers and guiding them safely to pass the perilous road without any concern.

    Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/Zr56mDc.png

  3. This is an automated post

    TXN ID: 9UD78438X6845821X

    Donation Amount: 10.00GBP

    Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

    I'd like to be added into discord donator role+forums
    1M in-game
    Vehicle Type: Turismo
    Vehicle Colour: #8d7e7e
    Specify any upgrades:
    Usernames to lock: helracktor
    Where you want it placed: ThC base

  4. alt text
    Event Number: #917
    Event type: Chicken Kicker
    LWS: Epic
    Prize: 1.000.000$
    Winner: Colobria
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WO0FTMp
    Event Number: #918
    Event type: KNOCK ME OFF MY NRG
    LWS: Epic
    Prize: 500.000$
    Winner: LIVEDNEVAR
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SLmZvut

  5. Song: One Day (Fastoche Remix)
    Artist: Matisyahu
    Lyrics: The lyrics are a beautiful and meaningful but the ones are incredible

    All my life I've been waiting for
    I've been praying for
    For the people to say
    That we don't wanna fight no more
    They'll be no more wars
    And our children will play


  6. It's been a long while since I posted here, I don't really take lots of pictures but here we go
    This one was four years ago from a game I was refereeing


    ![Spoiler Text](alt text)


    And here are recent pictures, like a year ago


    alt text

    alt text


  7. Your ingame username: helracktor
    Your ingame alias: Epic
    Your year of birth: 7 June 1999
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: Tunisian
    Country of residence: Tunisia

    How long you have been playing SAES: About ten years now.
    Qualities you can offer: What I do in real life right now is pretty much similar to the task given to a Community Staff, I am a front office manager, I assist clients for a living, I have been studying communications and sociology for over three years now, so I am well trained for communicating with others, calming them down and resolving any issue they might have.
    I speak up to five languages due to my work nature and I am actually in the process of learning Russian so I'll be able to speak with a variety of players with their different nationalities and languages.
    I have been playing in the server for a long while, I have a fair knowledge regarding the rules, the game play

    Your weaknesses: I used to be run by emotions, I trusted others without being really judgy, but I've worked on that side.

    Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS

    Do you have Discord Installed: Yes

    Reason for application: SAES always meant more than a server to me, I am not being a drama queen right now, but I'll be honest, I started playing the server when I was just a kid at middle school, while playing SAES, I moved to highschool, I finished high school and went to college and now I'm on my final year on College, got a work, and looking back at it, when ever I felt low or had troubles there was always one place to run back into, and it was this server, this is why I am applying, because I know how it feels like for players here, I always help the community as much as I can, but while being a Staff, I'll have more ways to connect with the community and be there for everyone.

    Server Memberships: P~B, LWS, CC, SAI

    Additional information: I guess this is the part where I should write stuff about me? Okay, I am Hssan Maalel, I work as a Front Office Manager for Marriott Hotels, I study Hotel Management, I'm actually on my final year. Apart from playing video games and studying, I am an activist in real life, I take part in environment saving groups, I fight for equality for genders as it's a serious matter here in Tunisia, for my hobbies, football and camping, exploring the nature are pretty much what I love doing in my spare time.

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I think Teddy admin jailed me once in 2011 when he was a Community Staff, I was at the beach, Teddy was half naked and I had a skin that wasn't naked, I was moist and shot him so he admin jailed me
    Previous (legitimate) bans: I was banned for multi-accounting by Magnus and I proved that it was just me and my brother
    I was also banned when my account was hacked, That was also sorted out

    Do you eat pork: Yeah?

  8. Section 1 - Non-RP Information
    Nickname: Epic
    Username: helracktor
    Old nickname/Other used names ingame: none
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Current G/S: Peaky Blinders
    Previous G/S (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): B~B, TT, AA, HS, MG, SAS, ALT
    How long have you been a member of your current G/S and what is your current rank?:
    B~B: The longest period I've ever been in a clan, It certainly was in B~B, I'm not sure for how long though, It must be two to three years, I actually got kicked cause I was banned for the so-called 'selling my account' when I was inactive, but when I came back I proved to the admins that my account was actually hacked
    HS: I've been in HS for a year or so, It was a long time ago, HS died

    AA: I've been part of it for couple of days, and it was obvious we couldn't agree on lots of points from the first days

    TT: I've been in TT for a fair while too, It was a long time ago as well but I can't recall how long I've been on it, must be over a year or something like that, I left it to join B~B

    MG: I've been on MG for over a year, It was a gang created by all of us, bunch of friends to have fun and then it died

    SAS: I co-founded SAS along with Roan aka Bertje, We took it official, but then got complicated, I didn't really have time for leadership matters anymore, It died later on

    ALT: I've been on ALT for over a year until it turned into a group

    Current groups: SAI, LWS, ALT
    Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): I used to be part of CC Impounder, SS, SAFD Captain, SAM, raceTECH, SAP, ZIP Manager
    I got kicked from them all when I went inactive
    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: I've been banned once for multiaccounting, but I sorted it that out, It's me and my brother playing in the same PC
    and once for 'selling my account', and I proved that someone hacked me

    Tell us something about yourself: I come from Sousse, Tunisia, I am 22 years old, I study hotel management, I work in hospitality industry, front office to be precise, I speak five languages, I want to learn more, I like partying and enjoying my life, guess that's me!

    Section 2 - Questions
    Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department?: Yeah, I do
    What is your goal within the Fire Department?: Do the things I did when I was part of SAFD, Do some fun roleplay's, and reaching my captain position again will be a pleasure.
    Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly?: Daily? I wouldn't lie to you, I have other things to do with my life, work, studies, family, so I wouldn't be daily active, but I'll post weekly. (quality over quantity anyways)

    Section 3 - Detailed Profile

    What are your strengths?: I am an excellent role-player, I already know everything about SAFD, I've been part of it for many years, I am a veteran in the server by now, so I could be really helpful to new members of the SAFD and help them pick up a thing or two from everything I learnt
    What are your weaknesses?: I don't think I have weaknesses, It's a group based on roleplaying, and that's pretty much what I excel at
    Why do you want to join the SAFD?: I'd like to get back to SAFD, I've always enjoyed being part of it, for over five years, I had nothing but pure fun along with really great friends in the group, The purpose of the group and the RP opportunities it offers are unlimited, so it really lits a fire in me to be part of it again.
    What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department?: I wanna get back to my lovely SFFD, Firefighting dept

    Applicant's signature: alt text
    Date: 06/04/2020

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