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Everything posted by Elwasy

  1. Address: jasems camel Rug Shop Account name: brondyg Last seen: 14th april 2024 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/KVcmWSq.png
  2. Address: West Ls Juwelry Shop Account name: heliuzz Last seen: 20th september 2023 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/XhdiO6Z.png
  3. Elwasy


  4. House with vehicles spawn 20sec with vehicle to SF BANK Starting bid : 1.000.000 $ Minimum bid increase: 500.000 $
  5. HPD 5ouna @JaKeL <3
  6. HPD
  7. @BurakO hhhhh thank you <3
  8. Thanks all @JaKeL 9oli chbik makesh wadoud @zerotwo nik omhom wa7ed wa7ed
  9. Happy birthday ka3bora
  10. Assisting @$THE OUTFIT BR at SF Bank 30/11/20 BR 1: Assisting @$THE OUTFIT BR at RC Bank 30/11/20 BR 2:
  11. Event Count: #12 Type of Event: Chicken Shooter Date: 27/11/2020 LWS: @Draven Prize: 1.000.000$ Winners: @203|ozz Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Elwasy


    In-game name: Elwasy Account name: Carlrp1 Nationality: Tunisain Current gang: Organization Zero Current groups: N/A How long have you been playing in SAES?: 3 years ago How active are you in SAES?: 5 hours everyday or more 5-8 hours Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?: Because i see Chaos it's active group, good roleplay, and they have many skilled players and have experience, . and i want help for get spawn and i will be loyal to Chaos
  13. Real name: Med ali In-Game name: Carl Account name: Carlrp1 Age: 19 What is your gender?: Male Nationality: Tunisain English knowledge (1-10): 6 RolePlaying Skills (1-10): 5.5 How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG ?: 3 years ago How active are you on SAES:RPG ?: 5H Describe yourself with one word: loyal Tell us about you're self (Minium 100 words): Hello, I'm Ali, a 19 years old boy, living in Sousse (Tunisia), I like to spend my free time playing with my PC as I love playing video games like MTA, CS: GO, GTA V(RP), Fifa20, League of legends etc... also I do like to play Football and BasketBall with my friends and everydays i go to coffe. I joined SAES since 2017. :SDO Knowledge: - What do you know about SDO?: Group of skydiving and piloting, they do many activities like jumping from high bridges and landing on cars and AirTrips Have you applied to join SDO before ?: NO Have you ever participated in Sky-Diving activity With our Organization?: Yes @Nordo @judy @Hetler @Draven @Trevor If yes Describe the experience: It was a good experience with members sdo how u jump on plane and landing on cars thse feling is good What's our Moto? : If at first you dont succeed skydiving is not for you'' Flying Skills (0/10)?: 9/10 Driving skills (0/10)?: 7/10 How you Describe the lack of RolePlaying nowadays in our Server?: I think there no lack of RP How you can fit the organization if you become a part of us?: I'm active player i can help SDO with many activity and help for get spawn again . Write backstory for skydiver character: It was a good day at SA , saes exactly i took a hot shower and started my day , while going on foot to my work i saw a big advert of a professional sky diving organization i really was interested since im a adrenaline addict and i always fear a high places so i thought it's a good step to move forward although im interested in learning about parachute and sky diving in general :Server Memberships: - Your current gang/squad/company: organization zero What are your currently server groups?: Rooftop korean Have you been kicked/banned before from SAES:RPG (If yes, details please): N/A Have you read and understood the rules in F1?: Yes all Descrive with your own words SAES:RPG?: these server we cant descrive because he is special we can find all object like RP.DM.RB.SR.etc and never miss they have many group like real life: farmer and these skydiving etc. well SAES.RPG is better server i see it
  14. Elwasy


    Annother apply down
  15. Ingame name: Carl Acount name: Carlp1 Name Korean: YE-JUN Nationality: Tunisain Age: 19 English Proficiency: 6/10 How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: 3 years ago 2017 Other groups: N/A Current organization: INKAS What does roleplaying mean: Rp stands for roleplay which is where you take on the persona of a character and act as them through a plot. Why do you want to join us: Because i see there many player active and so pro in rtk or rooftop korean . What can you bring to Rooftop Korean: i'm actve player all the time and i can help rtk with activitys and in the same time i can get annother exprience Who are Rooftop Korean: We defend our stores against the police, military and other special groups. Our defense takes place on the roof of our stores or in front of our stores. You can mainly recognize us by our Korean names and our Korean appearance. Do you have any friends in Rooftop Korean: well i have too many friend in rtk these why i want join @Alessio and i didnt remmeber annother names but they are many Did you hanged already with any Rooftop Korean: Sure many Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler : ::: :::
  16. Starting Bid : 15 M Additional info: Close to Arms Dealer Spawn, with income of 3,200 Screenshots: ::: Spoiler Text :::
  17. Address: Garage with pricra Account name: iani582094 Last seen: 5nd september 2020
  18. ~[Activity:]~ Patrol around SF & 3: Stop store Robbery LS & SF & LV Date: 25.3.2020 Screenshots:
  19. ~[Activity:]~ Patrol Around LV & LS and stopping JB Date: 25.3.2020 Screenshots:
  20. ~[Event 1]~ Event: Last man standing Reward: 1.000.000$ Winner: @SheraP LWS: @Haveer Screenshots:
  21. Activity: Patrol Around LV-TR Date: 24.3.2020 Screenshots:
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