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About Zodiac

  • Birthday 22/06/2004

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Zodiac's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Display Name: zodiac Username: klk12 Link to ALL Donation Topics: Total donation points: 10
  2. This is an automated post for: Zodiac Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Rewards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  3. - Week #2 January - Turfs BR Misc.
  4. - Week #1 January - BR Turf Misc.
  5. - Week #4 December- BRs Misc. Events
  6. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: klk12 Your ingame alias: zodiac Your real name: Daniel Your DOB: 22/06/04 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Dominican Country of residence: Dominican Republic Language skills: Spanish and english English Proficiency: 7.5/10 How long you have been playing: since 2013 with some inactivity periods Your strengths: With the experience that i've got by leading gangs and groups, i would say that i know how to handle people and keep things smooth. Also as a latin i'd say that the timezone that i usually play is also one of my strenghts specially when there are plenty of latinos playing. Your weaknesses: Solrac pm's me daily. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: As stated in my last application i want to be part of the clan as I want to become part of the managing team so I can implement what I´ve learnt in a good way to the server. Unique qualities you can offer: I am a team-driven person, I like to keep things smooth, I know how to divide emotions when I need to take decisions, I make them based on facts and I do not let a friend or any person be part of what I think is correct. Server Memberships: Renegados- Leader / CLO - Soldado / Outbreak-HQ / Lazarus Group - HQ / rTech - Veteran / ALT - Member / LWS - Member Additional information: I am studying a major, programming to be exact, I am fresh tho. Also just a guy that enjoy playing games on the free times. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I don't really remember how many punishments i have, but the ones i remember the most was for raiding an UE BR while being a gang member and the 2nd one for abusing selldrug animation when kain rammed me as cop. Previous (legitimate) bans: I was banned once for deathmatching and multi accounting with an account that i had back in 2017 (https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/98846-freshboy-banned-by-magnusclosed/)
  7. - Week #3 & 4 July - -Event #:194 -Event Type: Lucky nade -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Jellyfish -Event #:195 -Event Type: Park in the box -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Thunderwing -Event #:196 -Event Type: 1v1 Sniper -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Scat -Event #:197 -Event Type: LMS -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Yoko -Event #:198 -Event Type: Marathon -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Malicious -Event #:199 -Event Type: Street Fight -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Yoriichi -Event #:200 -Event Type: LMS -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Zyler -Event #:201 -Event Type: Hole in one -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Snoupa -Event #:202 -Event Type: Box all vs all -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Kirosa -Event #:203 -Event Type: LMS -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Cicada
  8. - Week #2 July - - Event #:173 -Event Type: Last man standing -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Miltingary - Event #:174 -Event Type: 1v1 M4 -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Tekem0 - Event #:175 -Event Type: Land on my DFT -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Koko - Event #:176 -Event Type: 1v1 Tennis -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Koko - Event #:177 -Event Type: Park in the box -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Khaldrogo - Event #:178 -Event Type: Kill the LWS(zodiac) -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: sprriw - Event #:179 -Event Type: Last man standing -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Rikki - Event #:180 -Event Type: Chicken shooter -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Khan - Event #:181 -Event Type: Chicken Nade -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Tekem0 - Event #:182 -Event Type: Underground LMS -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Ri0 - Event #:183 -Event Type: Underground LMS -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: zkill -Event #:184 -Event Type: LMS sniper & deagle only -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: pikkyjadnnot0 -Event #:185 -Event Type: Hunter shooter -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: cicada -Event #:186 -Event Type: Marathon -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Curny -Event #:187 -Event Type: Last man standing -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Yuki -Event #:188 -Event Type: Park in the box -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: sprriw -Event #:189 -Event Type: Parkour -Event Reward: 2,000,000$ - Event Winner: Tweaks -Event #:190 -Event Type: Underground LMS -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: marwan -Event #:191 -Event Type: Marathon -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: blis -Event #:192 -Event Type: Park in the box -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: blis -Event #:193 -Event Type: 1v1 All weapons -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: rooster
  9. - Week #2 July - BRs & CRs Turfs Misc
  10. - Week #1 July - BRs & CRs Turfs Misc
  11. - Week #4 June - - Event #:168 -Event Type: Crash mario's kart -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Miltingary - Event #:169 -Event Type: Chicken shooter + LMS -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Frank - Event #:170 -Event Type: Last man standing -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Colobria - Event #:171 -Event Type: First to kill zodiac with martial arts -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: SlapBobs - Event #:172 -Event Type: Find zodiac in Los Santos -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Blis
  12. - Week #3 June - - Event #:162 -Event Type: Fallout -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: SWT - Event #:163 -Event Type: Kill the LWS -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Rikki - Event #:164 -Event Type: Hide and Seek -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: burako - Event #:165 -Event Type: 1 hit deagle kill -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Vukasin - Event #:166 -Event Type: Lucky Nade -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Thunderwing - Event #:167 -Event Type: Chicken Shooter -Event Reward: 1,000,000$ - Event Winner: Cicada
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