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Posts posted by BlackPRo

  1. 1.Random Questions:

    1. Name: Abdallah

    2. Ingame name: [B~B]BlackPRo

    3. Age: 24.

    4. Nationality: Egyptian.

    5. Gender: male

    6. What languages do you speak: English (Second) , Arabic {Primary}

    7. Do you have Discord: Sure.

    8. Are you active on Discord: Everyday.

    2.Ingame Questions:

    1. What are your previous G/S/C and why did you leave/got kicked? None.

    2. Have you even been punished(adminjail,ban)? Adminjailed once.

    3. What is your biggest weakness?(doesent have to be in a game) my Ping :(

    4. what is you biggest strength?(doesent have to be in a game) Driving and shooting.

    5. What is marker killing? killing in Marker that is not allowed to kill inside.

    6. Explain what DM means (at least 25 words): DM means Deathamtching like killing cop without even trying to arrest you , blowing cars or planes , shooting on civilians or criminals or ever park on them with the car.

    7. Rate your shooting skills from 1-10: 8.

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