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Everything posted by 357

  1. Best o ever. Happy birthday o
  2. @nicus said in Demoting all G/S to lvl 1: We can reset ThC and keep other gangs as it is. On serious note I can't imagine this thing on SAES, first of all it's shit tones of work for GM's and gang HQ's. "i joinned ThC at the lvl 3 stage and lived that fire inside the game" - I joined AA when it was level 5 and it kept its fire for next 3 years till HQ's vanished with most of the members. Now I can say that we still have power to roll like we used to do in 2012 ;) AA :P
  3. @Joe said in turkey or tunisia???: @Duff WHERES YOUR EMPIRE NOW HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA SHIT EMPIRE TBH The empire that fucked your 7 destiny back in a time, ask your grand grand father. He may tell you some stuff about it as well.
  4. Congratulations, well deserved.
  5. @Kybali0n said in You can always buy drugs ( ): i wish tha in ralife This made my day XD
  6. Congratulations, glad to see another MC gang is growing up!
  7. @Amine-s said in Arms Assassins: inviting in gang plis Catch [AA]Terry in-game for an interview and invitation sir.
  8. It was a pleasure to me to grow this gang with Deadshot and Kodiak back in time when it was unoffical. I actually had my almost best times when i was a head quater in BS. I am deeply sad to hear that the end has come. Rest in peace.
  9. happy birthday ' umstad '!
  10. Glad to see this oldschool gang back. I wish you the best of luck in the future @Felix .
  11. hbd pal
  12. Your Ingame nickname : Matthews Your username : seattle31 Your ingame hours : More than 3000 Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? : I do use discord and not yet. Your building skills ?/10 : 8 out of 10 Your English skills ?/10 : 7 out 10 Your current G/S/C : I am currently part of ' Arms Assassins ' Your Current Group(s) : raceTECH, Brother of Metal, ZIP Constructions, San Andreas Medics, San Andreas Interceptors ( SAi) and Taxi el Centrino. Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? : Because i see a potential in the group and i see that people try to help players in a hard and compelling way. I also would like to be part of the group because I am seeking for a reason to be more active in-game and help one of my close friend.
  13. @ramos said in Central Events Organization: Hosting Events : We have only one role which is hosting events, We try to host event when someone need us, We try our best to build as quick as we possible can. We have worker/Medic assistance at our events so nothing can possible can go wrong, We provide our best secuirty at the events so nothing can go wrong security wise either. There's LWS already for that. Worker assistance - LWS /construction panel. Medic assistance - They can heal you via panel. Security - They can kick you out of the event. Pointless group, gl. CS created when rTECH was an offical group. Both of the groups have almost the same stuff, abilities and roles. What's the point of creating 2nd racing / drifting group when there is an offical one? There is also now a new groud called '' The Motor Heads'' and It's also a racing group. Idea is atleast original and they try to work under bad and hard conditions and they atleast try help some of players. I don't see a point of humiliate the exertion. Good luck people.
  14. Bank robbery Las Venturas 8/8 20/07/2018 ::: https://ibb.co/czxNEJ :::
  15. Patrol #57 Personal Patrol #2 Participants:[SAM]Matthews Amount of healed individuals: More than 30 ScreenShots: ::: https://ibb.co/iOKFid https://ibb.co/hpB6pJ https://ibb.co/f96T3d https://ibb.co/ksW6pJ https://ibb.co/gworOd https://ibb.co/hrpnwy https://ibb.co/jWgNUJ https://ibb.co/jpBd3d https://ibb.co/keZFid https://ibb.co/iN1T3d https://ibb.co/dKwHwy https://ibb.co/iaM0Gy https://ibb.co/e1rd3d https://ibb.co/iYgp9J https://ibb.co/hOc7wy https://ibb.co/c0Auby :::
  16. @blade said in Prevent PBRs during GBRs: Is this a relevant issue though? Some random criminals or people who likes to troll starts a public bank robbery when a gang tries to rob it. It is an issue for all the current offical gangs.
  17. In-game name: I am known as Matthews in-game. Username: My usernames is '' seattle31 ''. Age: I am currently 20 years old. Nationality: I am Turkish. Previous bans/punishments: Banned by Magnus due to abusing money bug (2013). Why you think you would be suitable for the role: Because I have a stong in-game and forum experince. I also see myself as a mature and friendly person. I also trust my communication skills. Plus, I would like to change my work into next level by helping community players and my in-game, forum and discord activity is extremly high.
  18. Patrol #28 Personal Patrol #1 Participants:[SAM]Matthews Amount of healed individuals:1+ hour ScreenShots: https://ibb.co/fcOpHJ https://ibb.co/nDPwxJ https://ibb.co/hVDBWd https://ibb.co/gD8BWd https://ibb.co/g9ffPy https://ibb.co/ciEkrd https://ibb.co/fkd0Py
  19. Congratulations!
  20. Bank robbery Las Venturas 8/8 5/07/2018 ::: https://ibb.co/jqkVnJ :::
  21. 357


    Facebook has lost a lot of users recently due to last events and other social media environments has made more interested and useful stuff than facebook. It would be a reason.
  22. happy birthday mahmut! :)
  23. hell raider
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1b3dLITdms
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