FOX crew: Sam_ / Matthews / Hassoni / GanJa / Scorpyo / JohnnyEnglish / J-Bourne Date and time of the patrol: 01-04-2020, ~30+ Minutes Screenshots: ::: :::
Date: 01/04/2020 The place of the event: LWS Dimension Event type: Last Man Standing LWS: Matthews Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: FOX Operations X & Myself Winner: Skulion Screenshots:
GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 20 minutes Deliveries: Oil deliveries to Bone County Refinery and construction vehicles to San Fierro Screenshots:
Participants: Myself District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (29-03-2020) Number of vehicles: 11 Screenshots:
Participants: Myself District: Las Venturas & Los Santos and San Fierro Shift period: Afternoon (29-03-2020) Number of vehicles: 13 Screenshots:
Participants: Myself District: Las Venturas & Red County and Bone County Shift period: Morning (29-03-2020) Number of vehicles: 18 Screenshots:
Date: 28/03/2020 The place of the event: Top of Visage Casino Event type: Lucky Tube LWS: Matthews Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: FOX Operations X, Myself and @Daniels89 Winner: Dudi Screenshots:
Date: 28/03/2020 The place of the event: G6 Event type: Last Man Standing LWS: Matthews Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: FOX Operations X & Myself Winner: GGawp Screenshots:
Participants: Myself District: Las Venturas & Los Santos & San Fierro Shift period: Afternoon (27-03-2020) Number of vehicles: +40 Screenshots:
Date: 27/03/2020 The place of the event: LV Cross Event type: Last Man Standing LWS: Matthews, Johnny Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: FOX Operations X, Myself and Johnny Winner: Chasin Screenshots:
Participants: Myself District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Morning (27-03-2020) Number of vehicles: 26 Screenshots:
The core problem about this is there are explosion chains starting near bank entrances and It's totally bad for both of the sides. Plus I remember @JohnnyEnglish has posted something about it in a topic that I don't remember at the moment. But as far as I remember there is already a project/script going on for this issue.
Date: 23/03/2020 The place of the event: Red County Farm Event type: Last Man Standing LWS: Myself Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: FOX Operations X & Myself Winner: PeeroLoco Screenshots:
Date: 21/03/2020 The place of the event: The rooftop of Visage Casino Event type: True or False LWS: Myself Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: FOX Operations X, Myself and @Daniels89 Winner: Sneijder Screenshots:
Date: 21/03/2020 The place of the event: LV-Cross Event type: Last Man Standing LWS: Myself Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: FOX Operations X & Myself Winner: Petrow Screenshots: