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Everything posted by Swal

  1. ^[Ingame name:] Swal ^[Ingame username:] hannun ^[Previous organizations and leaving causes: ] SAFP (i want to try my luck at the crim side which i'm far more interested in these days), SoA (Dead). ^[Define Underground Empire: ] Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate with a rich history which uses the same kind of modus operandi as the italo-american mafia do. It means it resambles La Cosa Nostra, but whithout the ethnic restrictions. ^[What binds you with Underground Empire:] I've been hanging around quite a lot with UE lately, like in the past i usually helped at the wars. I have always been interested in their role, the general brootherhood and fierce way of fighting along the strategy used which i'm interested in being part of. I have deep respect for this organization. ^[What do you know about organized crime:] organized crime is a really old thing, as old as humanity can remember. There are a lot of organized crime in the world, which organization itself depens on the region and the country where it's born. Their motives are mostly bringing up money, but of course, without the legal business part. These are organizations composed of mostly people who do various kinds of illegal activities, in a much more systematic and organized way than a common criminal.
  2. I hereby confirm the contract above.
  3. Business sold in game. Auction closed.
  4. Located on LS south weast beach, near Santa Mara Beach. - Near turf zone. - Near SR - Daily income: $5,960 Starting bid: $500.000
  5. @Halo noob
  6. Feliz cumpleaos, negro feo. Ojal te deporten.
  7. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/cyUbTdP
  8. Date: 05/22/2020. Property Name: Exotic Boutique Store. Your Username: hannun. Rentee Username: [gang]San_Andreas_Federal_Police. Duration: Until SAFP doesn't occupy it anymore. Fee: 1.200$ Screenshot:
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