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Everything posted by Friction

  1. Hbd @burakO Btw ur favourite gif https://media.tenor.com/images/5f483b8e4cf1b75f5b7fe6aa4e5c94fa/tenor.gif
  2. hbd
  3. hbd
  4. hbd @fenter and stop being so active u make us look bad
  5. gz @ILLUSION and @Honer112
  6. Hbd but its late .... MEOW
  7. hbd sry its late xD
  8. happy birthday
  9. DJ Account name:DeathAspect Ingame name:NavM|Grim Your age:16 Do you got acces to a radio panel?: sadly nobut i really looking to learn with u guys
  10. rips :(
  11. Gl @Scorpyo and @Filex make us (tunisien playing saes) proud
  12. @NanoBob said in The end of the Gypsy Jokers: @Turbo said in The end of the Gypsy Jokers: @NanoBob said in The end of the Gypsy Jokers: :( I will especially miss those epic moments :( This moment never happened. This is a lie. Photoshopped propaganda. idk seems real for me @NanoBob
  13. F :( it was a good ride , u started good and died great
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