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  1. Happy birthday mate <3
  2. Thanks guys <3
  3. Activity type: Event Information: NRG race Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IZRRyZy
  4. Event: Land on my DFT. LWS: @element Winners: @Benny @mamata Event :smile:
  5. Trucking RP: The RP theme: Today I had a special mission which I had to go and refuel some planes. I got an urgent call from the manager of LV airport, he said that there is a plane that should fly and get a medical supply from China, so I immediatly took the ALT's Huntley and rushed to the refinery, when I got there I started to check that everything is fine with the refuling truck and refueled the truck. I headed to LV airport and refueled the 737. When I just finished refueling I got a call from the deserted field's manager that there is another plane to refuel. On the way I refueled a fuel station. Participants: RP :smile: (All the RP is described in there)
  6. Involved SAI members: Involved also: Divisions involved: Date, time and duration of activity: 25/04/2020 18:00 server time. Activity type: Patrol. Activity Details: So there wasn't something series, it was just a routine patrol and speed traps, I managed to arrest some wanted criminals and also I was in a crime scene which I investigate. Screenshots: SS
  7. Trucking RP: The RP theme: So today it was me and @Andre, we had a lunch when we got a call we need to deliver some heavy equipment to Mt.Chiliad. We quickly head to the trucks and began to check that everything is ready for this mission! We head to creek to pick up the trailers and started our journey. On the way we stopped to take a selfie on the nutorious bridge near SF. right before we arrived the mountain area I had a flat tire, so we quickly replaced him and went back to the road. We decided that before the climbing we will have a little meal and so we did. At the end we delivered the equipment to the top of the mountain and then the paper work started... (xD) Participants: @Andre RP :smile: (All the RP is described in there)
  8. Involved SAI members: @Ardron @shah @Henry @ alexander mahone. Involved also: @ZoRo @Klay @Jemmyx46 @Kristiina @Nishki @Hash @Morena @Gotchi . (If I forgot someone please PM and I will add you). Divisions involved: @Peaky-Blinders . Date, time and duration of activity: 18/04/2020 17:00 server time. Activity type: Patrol and SPTU RP. Activity Details: So the day started with a regular shift, we made a couple of speed traps, and arrests were made, after more SAIs went in we decided to do an SPTU RP with @Peaky-Blinders, the RP was about searching for iligal stuff in there base. The RP went very well, one arrest was made and one escaped. I want to say a specail thanks to @Peaky-Blinders for the great cooperation! Screenshots: SS
  9. Involved SAI members: @Riley . Involved also: @iTsMe @DyamDouglas @shah @MouRiS @Moley. Divisions involved: @SAPA . Date, time and duration of activity: 15/04/2020 20:00 server time. Activity type: Road Block. Activity Details: So after a quick RP of a drunk fire truck driver we decided to set a small road block near SAPA base, SF-LV, we set up the RB and strated checking peoples cars for any iligal items. We stoped a criminal which had a massive amount of drugs in the back. The RP was awesome and we stopped some ciriminals who were disturbing the RP. All went awesome! I want to say a special thanks to @SAPA for the great cooperation! Screenshots: SS
  10. Involved SAI members: N/A. Involved also: @raafet . Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None. Date, time and duration of activity: 15/04/2020 10:00 server time. Activity type: Patroling. Activity Details: So it was a regular day when I went to patrol by myself. I saw a that a call came in so I rushed to the caller, when I got there I understood the it was a mistaken call and the dude actually needed a mechanic, on the way I checked the guy and found out that he had some unpaid traffic tickets, because he was so polite I gave him another chance to pay them before he will need to be arrested. After that I kept patroling with no special events. Screenshots: SS
  11. Trucking RP: The RP theme: I got a called in the middle of the night that I have a very important mission, I had to deliever a higly risk merchandise, that was an appache from the DE base to DE Naval base, that was cool, I also got pulled over for asking after I left the DE naval's base. And after that long mission I decided to go a grab lunch at Chicken bell. RP :smile: (All the RP is described in thtere)
  12. Activity Type: Trucking from LV Creek Warehouse > Mt Chiliad. Participants: @Hero Date: March 27,2020 Screenshots: Screenshots
  13. Involved SAI members: N/A. Involved also: N/A. Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None. Date, time and duration of activity: 25/03/2020 19:00 server time. Activity type: Patroling. Activity Details: So I had a shift by myself, I made a couple of arrests and deployed some speed traps around LV-LS. Screenshots: SS
  14. Involved SAI members: N/A. Involved also: @etf|Jemain, @FTH, @ETF|BL[X], @Martin, @Bart . Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None. Date, time and duration of activity: 23/03/2020 12:00 server time. Activity type: RB at SF-LV Activity Details: So we and FTH started with an RB at SF-LV also joined to help us some ETF guys. Screenshots: SS
  15. Involved SAI members: N/A. Involved also: A.Mendoza - @Hash . Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None. Date, time and duration of activity: 23/03/2020 12:00 server time. Activity type: Patroling and speed traps. Activity Details: So we made a couple of arrests, patroling and hanging around, nothing that isn't regular. We also stopped to get some burgers and for a small chat. Screenshots: SS
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