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  1. Activity Today ! We have conquered San Andreas! Also, 9YEARSAA @Arms-Assassins ::: :::
  2. Activity Tonight ! We have conquered San Andreas! @Arms-Assassins ::: :::
  3. Today, we not only turfed almost every corner in San Andreas,thatt we scored an High Atctivity. The following Members fought with valiant courage and gave everything for this Objective: @ILLUSION @koko @Yoko_Kurama @Clayson @Xho0ps @magoo @Bizzle @Canelas @Hotfire @Kybali0n @Haseeb @Troyano @Bananeira @Markus @Gal @Ardron @Bartman @Dexter @Exile @Siirtuga @Zombie ::: :::
  4. @Ardron said in Arms Assassins Media Archive: AA Preparing for a live concert, a short presentation of our practice! With Members: @Ardron @samcro @Xho0ps @Snowyyy @OwenDlash ::: https://soundcloud.com/daniel-andrei-muresan/barbie-girl https://youtu.be/4lb5SjQXthI ::: Official Thumbnail : AA Family!
  5. When AA's Turf, They Turf with Style ! With members @Yoko_Kurama @Ardron @Disaster @Gal @samcro @Bartman Turf Helpers : @Bananeira @Lessy @Zei ::: The war box messed the photo, but still cool! :::
  6. When AA's Turf, They Turf with Style ! With @Gal ::: :::
  7. This Morning, Our Weapons Reached every corner of San Andreas Territory. The following Members fought with valiant courage and gave everything for this Objective: @Nikki_ @koko @Bizzlee @Gal ::: :::
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