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Posts posted by Sam_

  1. We can improve the jail mapping, its ancient and old. Why remove scripts? The problem is the mapping, not the scripts!
    We keep restricting police scripts instead of addressing the issue at hand. First nerfed police cars, then flashbangs, then stingers/bribe etc, now kill arrest aswell?

    Mapping isnt really hard, neither is scripting (jail) for the right people..

  2. Besides banks, what if SAES had their own (robbable) Federal mint?

    To give you a picture of it, imagine a high security facility where gov stores gold/cash.

    Heists can be made with high reward, but with extremly high risk and takes alot of manpower and skill to pull it off. Similiar to GTA V.

    Luckily SA already have a Federal mint (SF), but needs some mapping and scripting.

    Rules, cooldowns and difficulity can be discussed if this idea is liked. Im a mapper and could map such a depot with ease.

    As a sub-idea, value transports similiar to VIP transport could be made to/from banks to mint where cops protect, criminals hi-jack it.

    A little spice to our criminal world beside the usual SR and bankrobbing!

    Images= https://m.imgur.com/a/bQZsLfh


  3. Oh man please. Only place a flashbang actually benefit the cops are inside a bank.. which mind you are ganged up with 20 criminals behind each corner with combat shotguns and m4.

    8 out of 10 times cops are blinded by the flashbang because of a) it got shot by 1 of the 50 shooters b) a bad throw and it bounced back on cops.

    We got our cars nerfed already, the almost dead police side dont need more downgrades. If anyhing need a nerfing its the dual sawn offs used to kill 3-4 cops in one spree. I dont see why we feel the urge to downgrade the 1/4 cop side there is left ln this server.

  4. Look despite whatever happend have faith and push through. Ive been through the most and i believe anyone can with little ounce of faith. And if the situtatiom ever change, which it mostly always does, you are always welcome back to our community.

    We in FOX appreciate you and we wish you godspeed in whatever youre dealing with.
    P.S. You can stay in FOX until you leave yourself.

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