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  1. This bitch @daryl banned me and no one cares. He says it is temporary ban you cant appeal and he is right in any case. When he wants someone to be gone he always finds a way to do it. Meanwhile server is full of rulebrakers and he enjoys playing game without answering any report that has been made. Useless faggot abusing admin powers for own purposes. So many DMers, scammers, bug abusers and he does nothing but when i say that someone is faggot on chat that doesnt impact game i get instantly banned. Daryl just as i said to Crash i will say same to you. You can only suck my dick degenerate faggot.
  2. Also dont get me wrong, I am guilty i do not ask for unban.
  3. So @Daryl can ban anyone for few days and no one can appeal it and he doesnt have to explain it because its temporary.. What is this ? When will you stop admins from abusing their position ? @kenny @Brophy I opened topic about LWS high member who is scammer and no one gives a shit, but when i tell admin that he is faggot i instantly get ban and when i ask why he says its temporary i dont have to explain it, you cannot ask why.. And you need proof is answer to every report that i have ever made. They just sit with their lazy asses in chair, act like gods and dont give a shit about anything. But if they dont like you, they abuse their power then and find way to punish you without proof. On daily bases i have more then ten reports to random admins and there was never case they did something. Admins are biggest shame of this great server. There are just handful of admins who deserve that place Rest are just using that position to gain power and play game without doing actual admin stuff. All admins on this server except arma and human and master and maybe few more are completely useless and non existent as admins.
  4. Imagine how much they hate me when they ban me for talking shit to some staff.. Abusing temporary ban where they dont have to do explanation in situation against me. But dont worry CLO, admins and all corrupted faggots, there is time for everything.. You will pay for all this shit you are doing trust me
  5. I gave my life for criminal side.. Did everything to make criminals dominate server and now criminals are those who hate me most. This is not what i wanted but I am not afraid. I will deal with it.
  6. Now you are villains. Next time you might be heroes, you never know.
  7. Dont worry, we will meet again. Next time will be another story and different actors.
  8. Tonight i had situation where i warped to chicken dinner event, everything was fine until me and one more guy were standing last and then happened kick from AA Exile that got me out of it. I asked why kick he said i am AA i can do it. He later smiled, there were few high ranking admins who did nothing. After this situation picture is complete. AA not only controls CLO but server also. Imagine when admins wont touch low ranking member like Exile when he broke rule and admitted it, how can we expect that they do something with Bartman or any other high ranking AA. I am changing my name, my username and everything as clearly even admins cannot protect me anymore from AA and its rulebraking members. This is my last message as EOIM, we might meet again, who the fuck knows. Suggestion for end, rename server to AARPG. Farewell
  9. AA members more powerful then admins it seems like.
  10. Imagine how powerful you must be that you brake rule, admit it saying in all chat you did it and laughing and like 5 admins are online. And no one touches you, and then we want to talk about CLO, imagine how hard is this AA holding that gang when admins do not want to touch their weakest members. Imagine what is happening on higher level.
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