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Everything posted by Cold

  1. Participants: me Date and time: 10;24-11;02 Number of store robberies: 6 Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Participants: me District: San Fierro & Los Santos & Las Venturas & Red Contry Number of vehicles: 17 Shift period: From 19:02 ==> 19:44 ( 40 Minutes ) Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Participants: me District: San Fierro & Los Santos & Las Venturas & Red Contry Shift period: From 12:04 ==> 12:45 ( 40 Minutes ) Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Participants: me Date and time: 2;56-21;49 Number of store robberies: 8 Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Roleplay : #87 @lightside said in [PROFILE]Elbert Hargraves: SAI member who you were with: N/A Other peoples Involved in: @Cold as Global express trucking co. Date, time, and duration of Activity: 10/2/2021, 00:45 Type of Activity: Roleplay Role play story: I was as usual on duty and working at late night because my dispatcher orders me to patrol around San Fierro and he told me to check everything with the drivers especially the trucker they are aggressive at late night and they easily can break the road rules I got the ordered carefully and I went to my work. I was stationed in front of my car checking the speed cam that I made it in my car computer suddenly I heard a loud noise from a big truck, It was a big truck from Global express trucking company and the driver was aggressive he didn't even respect the road lights and he did a big mistake and he was driving toward the San Fierro Airport. I went fast to my car then I called the support and I turned on the emergency siren, this driver was driving really fast I started chasing him as fast as I can and I'm calling the support in the same time that was really hard for me I can't do anything but I got a great idea to stop the driver I drove towards him very fast and I drifted In front of the truck Finally, the truck stopped I stepped aside from my car and I told him to step aside too the trucker was ignoring me but I noticed that he have a gun under his clothes I warned him with my gun to step aside. the aggressive driver stepped aside and he started to talk with but I noticed too that he is drunk too I called my dispatcher and I told him everything happened with me, he ordered me to take him to the police department jail and he will deal with him later I went to the San Fierro police department as fast as I can and at the same time I'm scared because he can do anything to me and god knows that's why I drove fast towards the police department, after a while, we reached the San Fierro police department and I put him in the dungeon and I stationed near him waiting for my dispatcher to come and deal with him.
  7. Participants: me Date and time: 22;40-23;12 Number of store robberies: 6 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. GXT Members: [GXT]Cold Time Taken: 25mins. Activity: Trucking Around (LV-SF) ScreenShots: ::: :::
  9. Participants: me Date and time: 18;25-19;10 Number of store robberies: 7 Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Participants: @Cold District: The whole San Andreas Date and time: 31/01/2021 -18:01h to 18;35h Number of vehicles: 10 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. GXT Members: [GXT]Cold Time Taken: 35mins. Vehicles Fixed: 13Vehicle. ScreenShots: ::: :::
  12. Participants: me Date and time: 12;42-13;20 Number of store robberies: Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. GXT Members: [GXT]Cold Time Taken: 25mins. Vehicles Fixed: 12Vehicle. ScreenShots: ::: :::
  14. Participants: me Date and time: 21;03-21;03 Number of store robberies: 6 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. GXT Members: myself Activity: :Trucking around SF Duration: 20mins Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Participants: me Date and time: 12;07-12;42 Number of store robberies: 8 Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. @nrg-aka-caligula said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive: Participants: @Cold @Shocked Date: 24.01.2021 History: Today i woke up and i got a cool breakfast. After it i wanted to walk because of today was holiday. I was walking and a SAFD EMT division member came to me. He told me that they needs some pipes for moving the water on fire. I got nervous but this is my job and i must do my job as very well. I went to base with him and we talked with him. After details i called the guy who will help me about getting goods from. We met and we started the job. I got an ALT Truck and started to the way from Red County ALT HQ. We went to Red County Farm for getting goods and we got them. After it we went to Las Venturas San Andreas Fire Department for passing the deliver. We went and i parked them aswell. After it i got the money. I added the money to ALT HQ. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Po43ina
  18. Roleplay : #87 @lapd_spanish_ven said in SAI - Contributions & Activity log: ^[] Involved SAI members: Angel Marquez "Me" Divisions involved: N/A Other involved people: @Sira @Cold @WenDo Date, time and duration of activity: 22/01/2021 15:38-18:02 (about 3 hours with 20 minutes) Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: Today I did a regular patrol. Some criminals resisted and even shot my patrol, who were arrested. Additionally, we made traffic stops and gave him some tickets for violating traffic rules. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/D83njC8
  19. @lapd_spanish_ven said in SAI - Contributions & Activity log: ^[] Involved SAI members: Angel Marquez "Me" Divisions involved: N/A Other involved people: @Sira @Cold @WenDo Date, time and duration of activity: 22/01/2021 15:38-18:02 (about 3 hours with 20 minutes) Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: Today I did a regular patrol. Some criminals resisted and even shot my patrol, who were arrested. Additionally, we made traffic stops and gave him some tickets for violating traffic rules. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/D83njC8
  20. Participants: me Date and time: 20;57-22;15 Number of store robberies: 6 Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. ^[] ^[BR 7/8 BC BANK]
  22. Roleplay : #86 Participant(s): @Aveyro and @LightSide Description: One day, while I was chilling with some group mates in our 'GXT' base, I got a call from an unknown number. Its owner said that's he's an 'Engineer'. e'll start a constructive work with some workers in a big place in San Fierro which named as ''Doherty''. However, he asked me if I can help him with carrying some building materials to this construction place, such as some bags of cement and a few clapboards and iron sticks. When this guy has finished his talk, I told him about the time that we need to fulfill his request. I turned to my group mates and I told them about the deal. We went ahead to our garage, where we have all objects of construction in there. We carried all objects that the customer asked for in specially designed trucks for this and we went away to the customer's location. When we arrived, we found him waiting for us in there with some workers who're reading to work. Anyway, we gave the goods to the engineer, he paid us and we went back to our GXT base... That was a good deal. ::: :::
  23. Participants: me District: LV-LS-RC Date and time: 20;28-21;02 Number of vehicles: 14 Screenshots: ::: :::
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