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  1. muchas gracias gente bella
  2. Adress: Targaryen House Username:Miix Last Seen:20th June Screenshot: ::: http://prntscr.com/trffqb http://prntscr.com/trfggs :::
  3. http://prntscr.com/trf8v6
  4. Ip Adress: 2 Rockshore view Username:Miix Last Seen:20th June Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/trf5sq
  5. TXN ID: 9MJ97334DC320942Y Donation Amount: <10.00GBP> Vehicle Type: Hotring race Vehicle Colour: R: 0 G:18 B: 2 Specify any upgrades: AWD, V8 , NOS Username to lock: (elviswt) Where you want it placed: explain in game <3 @Brophy verify please
  6. Activity Type: Repairing cars at LV X. Participants: @Gonza @OwenDlash . ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/r8ciwaA
  7. Event#24: Event Type: LMS. LWS/G6 Helper: @velo. Prize: $1.000.000 Winner: @gal Screenshot/s: https://imgur.com/a/UjVbnDl
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