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Everything posted by H-MoNtahE

  1. I already clicked the small button that i able to reply as topic what is wrong????
  2. Did you mean that the Application format is wrong?
  3. Re: Comando da Capital SECTION 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname:~[Ammar]~(magenta) Username:~[MoNtahE]~(magenta) Nationality:~[Egyptian]~(magenta) Age:~[14]~(magenta) Which languages can you speak:~[Arabic,English,little of germany]~(magenta) Indicate your skills in each language [1-10]: ~[Arabic 10/10 ,English 8/10,Germany 5/10]~(magenta) In-game playtime hours (hold TAB): ~[83 hours]~(magenta) Have you been kicked/banned from SAES before? If yes, reasons?: ~[i've kicked from the admin before in a turf war,but actully i asked for the reason and didn't get it.]~(magenta) Previous G/S/C?: ~[NO]~(magenta) Why did you leave or got kicked from the G/S/C Above?: Tell us something about yourself, be self-conscious and explicit: ~[Iam the one who wants to take experience from all gangs and players,iam very helpfull and friendly to other players,iam trying to a big thing in the server but that's my first goal.]~(magenta) You are good at: ~[Driving]~(magenta) You are bad at: ~[Cracking]~(magenta) SECTION 2: ROLEPLAY Explain in a few words. What means Role Play for you: ~[Pretends to be in a real life]~(magenta) Describe CDC's roleplay role in your own words: You were starting as a mutineers of the prison system to have a revenge. SECTION 3: RULES Did you read the rules of F1?: ~[Yes]~(magenta) What does "avoiding arrest" mean?: ~[Try to not get yourself arrest,like when the police comes you must be Evaporated]~(magenta) What does "Death-Matching" mean?: ~[Two teams have the same goal that killing each other one by one.]~(magenta) Tell us three General Rules (F1) rules: ~[1-The word of any admin or staff is final. 2-No Deathmatching 3-No cheats or trainers.]~(magenta) Tell us three Turf War rules: ~[1-You are not allowed to aid a turf war while spawned as police, emergency or food dealer 2-If you are killed in a turf while a turf war is going on, it is not counted as deathmatching. 3-You can only use your gangs spawn & hospital spawn during a turf war.]~(magenta) Tell us three Bank Rob rules: ~[1-You can claim a bank robbery or rob a bank only when a complete team of robbers from your gang 2-One gang is allowed to do a maximum of 3 gang bank robs per day. 3-Members of the gang who are robbing the bank can kill any player inside the bank or immediately outside the bank.]~(magenta) Tell us three Store Rob rules: ~[1-Killing another player as revenge for being killed, without cause is not allowed. 2- do not interfere with another players gameplay using violence, unless it is part of the game. 3- ]~(magenta) SECTION 4: GENERAL QUESTIONS Why did you choose CDC among all the gangs?: ~[Because,It has an experience and that what i needed,has a good role playing,]~(magenta) Why should we accept you, how could you benefit us? ~[That depends on your vision and on my skills and as i told you i want the experience,so i wouldn't Betrayon a gang who can succsess that.]~(magenta) Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? If yes, Who?: ~[Yes,Hackbustah.]~(magenta) Have you had the chance to hang around with CDC member? if so, who?: ~[Yes,Hackbustah,Naziz,ProToN]~(magenta) Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with cdc members (use a spoiler or a link): ::: ![Spoiler Text](image url) I've took it but i don't know where is the url or the spoiler? :::
  4. vehicle Type: vehicle Colour: Specify any upgardes: Usernames to lock:(H-MoNtahE,157|MoNtahE) Where you want it placed:
  5. This is an automated post TXN ID: 7H852266JN474964R Donation Amount: 1.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
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