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Everything posted by Nicoo

  1. Ingame username: thenew123 Ingame nickname: Nicoo Previous nicknames: Nicoo Age: 20 Date started playing on SAES: 01/01/16 00:00 Current memberships: you know Previous memberships: you know Previous punishments/bans: none My strengths: . My weaknesses: . Additional information: . I agree to the rules of this organisation: Yes I agree to the rules of the community/server: Yes
  2. Address: Apartament 37 Lv Complexsouth Account name: zarmaankhan Last seen: 24 th Dicember 2021 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  3. Type Of Activity: Refuelling Date: 26/01/2022 Participants: @Fasito Screenshots:[s=] [/s]
  4. Type Of Activity: Making Deliverys Date: 26/01/2022 Participants: N/A Screenshots:[s=] [/s]
  5. Type Of Activity: Refuelling Date: 25/01/2022 Participants: @Fasito Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  6. Address: Got Any Bread Man Business Account name: pirlok Last seen: 22nd August 2021 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  7. Type Of Activity: Refuelling Date: 22/01/2022 Participants: N/A Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  8. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 15/07/2021 Participants: Me Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 14/07/2021 Participants: Me Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 13/07/2021 Participants: Me Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 13/07/2021 Participants: Me Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Type Of Activity: Refuel. Date: 27/06/2021 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Type Of Activity: Refuel. Date: 06/06/2021 Participants: @Fasito Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Type Of Activity: Refuelling around the map Date: 04/06/2021 Participants: me Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Type Of Activity: Refuelling around the map Date: 29/05/2021 Participants: me Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Type Of Activity: Roleplay Date: 27.05.2021 Participations: @Drico45YT RP details: @drico45yt said in Mongols MC Media Archive: Date: 27.05.2021 Roleplay Number: 49 Participants: @Nicoo Story: That night i was chilling in the club smoking some weed, when i want to get out and go road around SF, all was ok, when i listen a stranger sound from the motorbike, i think it wasnt important, but smoke started to come out from the engine, so i stoped on the way, i dont know what to do, so i callled one of my friend who is a trucker from ALT, he came very fast to help me, when he arrived i explain him everything and he start check the motorbike, he noticed the problem was the block engine, he takes some tool, and started to repair the motorbike, he can repair everything very fast and all was ok, so i paid for the service, and we said goodbye and he still on his own way and i return to the club. Screenshots ::: :::
  17. Type Of Activity: Refuelling around the map Date: 28/05/2021 Participants: me Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 26/05/2021 Participants: me Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. HBD hRL hermano te amo
  20. Event type: Chicken Shooter Prize: $1.000.000 LWS: @Avengr Winner: @Reeyzee Screenshots:
  21. HBD Nulgath m amor !!!
  22. #FreeBazuuka
  23. Feliz Cumpleaps Papaso
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