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Everything posted by Snorpy

  1. Username:rizacem Lastseen : 6 February 2023 Ss : https://imgur.com/a/Co1V0Wz
  2. ~[ ]~(lime)
  3. Part I Real name : ilyes Username : africano02 In game name : Draxler Age : 18 years old Nationality : Algerian PART II How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? Since 2020 till now. Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why? Nah Please list your previous squad/gang history: NavM : the gang deleted // ThC : i got kicked bcs of some problems with hq's team // Lunas : it was inactive gang so i decided to leave the gang and join CDC // CDC: i left it to join DIA with my friends. How many hours do you have in-game? really didnt remember , bcs i was inactive for a few days. RP Skills: 6/10 Driving Skills: 7/10 English Skills: 6/10 PART III Explain Roleplay(RP) Means: RP is when u acting like in real life Explain Deathmatch(DM) Means: it means when u shoot or kill a player without any reason. Explain Marker Arrest Mean:* When you kill someone in the marker like marker kill/arrest in bank.
  4. Activity: SR Date: 17/04/2022 ScreenShot(s): [s=][/s]
  5. SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION> Nickname: Draxler Username: africano02 Nationality: Algerienne Age: 18 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: Never Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): ThC:kicked cuz i have problem with HQ's. Lunas:left inactiive gang Did any CDC member suggested you should apply? if so, who?: @Vexy Why shall we consider accepting you?: i have a lot of time and i'm playing this game,i'll be a loyality and friendly guy and i will help CDC for all my jobs. How will you be benefiting CDC: Respectfull,Helpfull.Rp,helping in Turfs,Br's also i'm a cracker.
  6. Activity: Assisting in PBR
  7. Activity:JailBreak
  8. PART I Real name : Amine Username : Africano02 In game name : Draxler Age : 17+ Years Old PART II Nationality : Algerie. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 10 or 9 months Ago. Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why? N/A Please list your previous squad/gang history: -ICE: Closed -Rebels MC : Dead -C: i Left when it gonna Died. -Los Inkas: same as C. -MITx2:i Left cuz its an inactive squad so i decided to leave it -NavM:i Left -DIA: i Left and now i want to back to help them. How many hours do you have in-game? 198 or 200h. RP Skills 0/10: 8/10 Driving Skills 0/10 : 8/10 English Skills 0/10: 7.5/10. PART III Explain Roleplay(RP)What does it mean: RP is acting Like in Real life. Explain Deathmatch(DM) What does it mean:Dm is Killing or Shooting someone without Reason. Explain Marker Arrest What does it mean:Marker Arrest is Arresting people on the Door Marker .
  9. Good Luck guys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF88eTOOEg4
  10. Best Topic Good Luck :D
  11. HPD
  12. ~[HPD]~ :D
  13. Happy Birthday Jon-ass :cake:
  14. Happy Birthday:birthday:
  15. Happy Birthday @flora :cake:
  16. ~[Happy Birthday]~(black) @KARIM :birthday: ~[Habibi]~
  17. Happy Birthday :hype:
  18. **~[Military Intelligence Team]~(#0e369c)** Username:africano02. Account name: Ogway Age: 17. Languages:Arabic/english. English skills (1-10):7.5/10. Do you have Discord: right now i dont have. How long you play SAES/RPG: 3 Months How much in-game hours do you have: 128 H. Do you have Procop Diploma:no Previous Gang/Squad/Company: Rebels/INKAS/MIT/C/ICE Have ever been banned before: no Choose 2 rules above and explain them in detail: Explain Rule X:Do not patrol alone if there are officers available: This means that you can patrol with your friends if they are available. Explain Rule X: Spawned as cop, always wear your tag MIT| unless you are in RP: This means that I respect my mark and my squad **~[Thank you For Reading]~(#0e369c)**
  19. Section I : General things. Ingame name : 910|Draxler Account name :africano02 Nationality :Algerian Spoken Languages : English/Arabic How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? :since 2018 How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? :5months Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ): no never Previous organisations ( G/S ): Rebels/ICE/Los INKAS/Clandestine_Mob Current groups :N/A Section II : Specific things. Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ):Roles are role-playing dialogues and role-play. In general, role-play in realistic scenarios in a video game or simply representation because you are a character with a specific job to do. This is my best part on sever. Time is tight. For people like me, they have nothing, on the other hand, I try to do my best to play roles in every situation, but at the same time, I enjoy as much as possible while doing so. together. Notice, you have a lot of fun writing things and playing them at the same time, or you have fun playing / writing .... For me, in most cases and roles, more fun to write them down, because I can change and write things, I couldn't say that while Role-playing (such as writing a little more about some participants, their story, what they said and how they sounded like saying it, etc.). Sue, I'm here, writing this, trying to put it in such content in my application, that people will really read it ... they read it with passion, while laughing or cursing at the same time, because I made fun of things, which should be left as is, but ! We are designed to develop new things, better, better, better than better, and at this point, you may realize that what you are reading has started as something meaningful, but you have now become a platform, so I will stop here. Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ):ireally like it ill befeit them with my experiance in doing roleplay events activitys, so I think I'll have good influence on the gang. Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) : i think u shoold accepte me because i'm Active & serious adn i can help this gang to grow up i can help this gang with my activity & loyality Describe The Pirus in your own words :The Pirus is a criminal organization , they are confronting many gun barons, they are produces the best drugs in Los Santos and sell to many gangsd teams from this market .
  20. Nickname: Draxler Account name: africano02 Do you have discord? i dont have right now Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 7 What languages do you speak: English, Arabic How long are you playing SAES: 2020 Current G/S/C: Clandestine Mob Current Groups: N/A Previous Groups: N/A Rate your driving skills 1 to 10: 8 Why do you want to join us?i want to joing this group bcz i like drifting and i want to help this group and my friend Gyula
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