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  1. Username:rizacem Lastseen : 6 February 2023 Ss : https://imgur.com/a/Co1V0Wz
  2. ~[ ]~(lime)
  3. Part I Real name : ilyes Username : africano02 In game name : Draxler Age : 18 years old Nationality : Algerian PART II How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? Since 2020 till now. Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why? Nah Please list your previous squad/gang history: NavM : the gang deleted // ThC : i got kicked bcs of some problems with hq's team // Lunas : it was inactive gang so i decided to leave the gang and join CDC // CDC: i left it to join DIA with my friends. How many hours do you have in-game? really didnt remember , bcs i was inactive for a few days. RP Skills: 6/10 Driving Skills: 7/10 English Skills: 6/10 PART III Explain Roleplay(RP) Means: RP is when u acting like in real life Explain Deathmatch(DM) Means: it means when u shoot or kill a player without any reason. Explain Marker Arrest Mean:* When you kill someone in the marker like marker kill/arrest in bank.
  4. Activity: SR Date: 17/04/2022 ScreenShot(s): [s=][/s]
  5. SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION> Nickname: Draxler Username: africano02 Nationality: Algerienne Age: 18 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: Never Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): ThC:kicked cuz i have problem with HQ's. Lunas:left inactiive gang Did any CDC member suggested you should apply? if so, who?: @Vexy Why shall we consider accepting you?: i have a lot of time and i'm playing this game,i'll be a loyality and friendly guy and i will help CDC for all my jobs. How will you be benefiting CDC: Respectfull,Helpfull.Rp,helping in Turfs,Br's also i'm a cracker.
  6. Activity: Assisting in PBR
  7. Activity:JailBreak
  8. PART I Real name : Amine Username : Africano02 In game name : Draxler Age : 17+ Years Old PART II Nationality : Algerie. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 10 or 9 months Ago. Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why? N/A Please list your previous squad/gang history: -ICE: Closed -Rebels MC : Dead -C: i Left when it gonna Died. -Los Inkas: same as C. -MITx2:i Left cuz its an inactive squad so i decided to leave it -NavM:i Left -DIA: i Left and now i want to back to help them. How many hours do you have in-game? 198 or 200h. RP Skills 0/10: 8/10 Driving Skills 0/10 : 8/10 English Skills 0/10: 7.5/10. PART III Explain Roleplay(RP)What does it mean: RP is acting Like in Real life. Explain Deathmatch(DM) What does it mean:Dm is Killing or Shooting someone without Reason. Explain Marker Arrest What does it mean:Marker Arrest is Arresting people on the Door Marker .
  9. Good Luck guys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF88eTOOEg4
  10. Best Topic Good Luck :D
  11. HPD
  12. ~[HPD]~ :D
  13. Happy Birthday Jon-ass :cake:
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