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kolyovskii1914's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Personal Information Name: Alexandar Kolyovski Username: kolyovski Ingame Name: kolyovski1914 Age: one mounth to 15y. Nationality: Bulgaria Capability to talk english (1-10): 7 In-Game information How long do you play on SAESRPG?: 52h. What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?: I left my old gang , reason is because is a low gang, i wanna play with good people. Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: Yes,of course How many hours a week do you play?: maybe 10h. What are your strengths and weaknesses?: My strengths : i'm a good player,everyday i play with smile :) I dont have weaknesses... Gang and random questions. What made you want to join BloodZ?: I just look everyday to this gang,all playes play as a real team. Describe in your own words what is BloodZ: BloodZ is a good gang,good people,loyalty . Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: Maybe with good play, everyday Which set would you like to join ( listed under RP section) ?: I don't understand question but maybe with arms dealer. Do you agree that Blue color is strictly forbidden in our gang?: Yes,i don't have problem. 4. Answer the following as good as you can: What is Roleplay? RolePlay is a like real life game What is our Gang RP and Motto?: Hit 'em up and hit 'em fast Who is BloodZ's leader? Leader name is Makaveli. What do you do if you get deathmatched?: I first go to hide and after this i maybe write to admin for this because deatmatcking without reason is break the rules. What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: Again , write to admin.
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