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Everything posted by MacBoy

  1. Why hasn't this been added already? Just make it to where only the ammo you've bought as an official gang member can be stored and not the ones you spawn with. Shouldn't be an issue. +1
  2. @Skerdi said in It has to stop... >:(: Saes is based in USA, what did you expect? Our president @Filex doesn't care about black lives Sounds very familiar doesnt it...
  3. @Ramby said in It has to stop... >:(: Is in involved in a br, jb sr etc. Complaints about ruthless cops while shooting with a combat shotgun at officers... Nigga it's a joke if yo slow ass couldn't tell... But crazy how you rlly thought I was srs huh? Haha Good one. @Mohamed-Mostafa haha ruthless ain't it ? @Toreno said in It has to stop... >:(: LMaoo love this video. I agree on you, cops are doing you dirty indeed SOML mane :/
  4. Like it really does. Its crazy how ruthless cops be doing me dirty. Jus chill for once, would ya? https://youtu.be/JD9a8Sv-Rn0
  5. @Faysal said in [SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on: In the other hand, we see admins taking the topic "shaving your armpit" seriously more than fixing the server's rules. Says everything you need to know about em.
  6. @CheeseBotMk2 said in [SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on: @MacBoy Its still punishable. even from a cop side if that is really the case than thats rather upsetting. But it is reportable as long as you have the evidence for it and explain what was going on. Under which rule? Literally never heard of a cop being punished for arresting outside of a BR. Ever.
  7. @VayraN said in [SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on: @MacBoy said in [SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on: @CheeseBotMk2 said in [SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on: @JukyPlatinium Thats not to hard to evoid. Just don't shoot him and report him if he arrests you outside the bank. It's that simple really It's not though. Can't report em for arresting outside the bank cause that's not against the rules. So that would be pointless. "Just don't shoot him" and give em the free arrest huh? Hell nah. If we're arriving at a BR and trying to get inside but notice a cop is on our tail, we have every right to defend ourselves. This happens all the time during a PBR (and regular ones too). But the moment we do so, we can get reported for "defending outside a BR"? It doesn't make sense. Dude, We don't talk about you defending yourself, We talk about the criminals staying outside and killing whoever comes to the PBR from the police side, What's the point of staying outside and killing everyone while you can enter and you will get money too also you will defend them but inside.. And? Gang members do it during their BRs so whats the issue when the PUBLIC does it during a PBR...?
  8. @CheeseBotMk2 said in [SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on: @JukyPlatinium Thats not to hard to evoid. Just don't shoot him and report him if he arrests you outside the bank. It's that simple really It's not though. Can't report em for arresting outside the bank cause that's not against the rules. So that would be pointless. "Just don't shoot him" and give em the free arrest huh? Hell nah. If we're arriving at a BR and trying to get inside but notice a cop is on our tail, we have every right to defend ourselves. This happens all the time during a PBR (and regular ones too). But the moment we do so, we can get reported for "defending outside a BR"? It doesn't make sense.
  9. How about both.
  10. +1. We all understand that only the gang that is robbing a bank can have defenders outside. We get that. But when it's a PBR that is open to the PUBLIC, nobody can defend outside all of a sudden? Huh? Explain to me how this makes an ounce of sense. Seriously. I'm tired of the lack of logic behind these rules and how they are not specific to situations causing players to take the fall for "breaking" them. It's straight bs. Clarify these damn rules already.
  11. Wow. Didn't know SAES was full of women.
  12. @Nishki said in [SUGGESTION] Drug Icons: I would say Yes and No I do not mind it but who wouldn't know what drugs they have? and you can make it optional if needed that would work The icons would save the hassle of trying to guess if you're drugs have worn off or not just in case you missed the notification from being too distracted. It happens. Making it optional could work as well.
  13. Sup SAES. Simple suggestion regarding drugs and showing whether you're on it or not. And that's with the introduction of drug icons. The vacant area (highlighted in red) is the spot where the icons can be displayed when the drugs are active and have a feature in place where it starts to flash for a couple of seconds when it's about to wear off. Simple. Not only does this make it easier to keep track of, but it can also help prevent players from getting bugged at the vending machine when they've already taken a drug (e.g speed/caffeine). We all know how annoying that can get. Found some random icons off Google just so you can get an idea of how it would look. Thoughts?
  14. That would be interesting. My question is, would the progress for cops to "neutralize" a turf be amp'd up more than it would be for gangs to take a turf? Cause ya know, we outnumber y'all bout like... a million. Not a bad idea though.
  15. So it's our fault that nothing is being added on the cop-side to make it even remotely fun, so therefore we should have to pay? Yea nah. That wouldn't solve a damn thing. Increasing the incentives and implementing better/finer features would be a good starting point for this problem. Not making it "difficult" for the other side. -100 on all your ideas.
  16. Damn... you really gotta donate your money to SAES now. RIP
  17. Happy G Day ! ::: You still a Belgian faggot :::
  18. There's literally NO difference in repeatedly ramming a crim to the point where they can't move and parking on top of them for an arrest. They both serve the same purpose and cops use this to their advantage as a way to finesse the rules cause they know they won't be touched. But it's ALWAYS the victim's responsibility to not die in these situations cause then, they'll be "avoiding" right? Yea ok. This is a failed park arrest attempt and I've seen it countless times. It's the new norm cause admins aren't doing a thing about it. I wonder why? "...he's given a chance to get up" LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO y'all funny.
  19. Y'all needa get y'all shit together w this FPS issue. Like fr. There's no way I should be experiencing so much damn lag on a server that's averaging 250 players daily when I get little to no lag on servers that's housing 3x's as many players. That makes no sense whatsoever. Like the man said, optimize SAES already.
  20. I'm the "Z guy" you're referring to and nahh, I didn't say that to make fun of the situation but was simply just making a observation lol... I knew someone would get offended by it all and it seem like you were getting to that point so I said what I said. I would never disrespect someone's religion or their beliefs for entertainment as I am not that kinda person nor would I instigate it. I don't see anything funny bout it. With that being said, you do realize you're on the internet right ? Where ppl will say AND do watever the fuck they want simply cause they can bc it's the internet. That's just the way it is. You either gon ignore it and keep it moving or bite the bait cause that's what trolls do. Seems like you fell for the latter. Sorry to bust your bubble, but there won't be any rules set about religion. Or race. Or sexuality. Or gender, etc. etc. Why? Cause it's the internet and that's how it's always been. Simple.
  21. RIP.. Now I ain't gotta worry bout Terry arresting me in the weirdest ways possible ;) C'yall on the otha side!
  22. Wait a minute... You're telling me cops won't be able to snipe us from mountain tops and spray us down with water tanks with this new mapping? +1
  23. Lol this isnt money laundering bro. This is simply just taking out a bank loan. Would be interesting to see how this plays out but I think there should be a criteria on the amount you could obtain. Im neutral of this idea.
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o3PBAu2unE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qNaoLgHU94
  25. He's a faggot
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