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Everything posted by Peyraa

  1. Radio Station: Main Streaming DJ: Peyraa Broadcasted on: 24/02/2022 Duration: 30 Minutes Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  2. Radio Station: Main Streaming DJ: Peyraa Broadcasted on: 31/01/2022 Duration: 45 min. Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  3. Address: No Its Clearly My Tree Account name: ichu05 Last seen: 29th December 2021 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  4. Radio Station: Main Streaming DJ: Peyraa Broadcasted on: 29/01/2022 Duration: 1 Hour Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  5. Radio Station: Main Streaming DJ: Peyraa Broadcasted on: 28/01/2022 Duration: 1 Hour Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  6. Radio Station: Main Streaming DJ: Peyraa Broadcasted on: 27/01/2022 Duration: 1 Hour Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  7. Address: Pawn Shop Account name: wtfmen Last seen: 16th december 2021 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  8. Peyraa


    ~[In-game name:]~(sienna) Peyraa ~[Account name:]~(sienna) fragoder ~[Current gang:]~(sienna) Los INKAS ~[Current groups:]~(sienna) - ~[How long have you been playing in SAES?:]~(sienna) Since 2016 ~[How active are you in SAES?:]~(sienna) I try to enter at least one hour daily ~[Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?:]~(sienna) The group is new and I want to help with everything I can, I liked Chaos Roleplay, and I always wanted to join in a criminal group
  9. ~[DJ:]~(olive) Peyraa ~[Broadcasted on:]~(olive,olive) 07/30/2020 ~[Duration:]~(olive) 35 minutes, 04:10 to 04:45 AM ~[Additional information:]~(olive) - Mini stream with Metal, Rock, Pop, and some requests. ~[Screenshot(s):]~(green) ::: :::
  10. ~[DJ:]~(olive) Peyraa ~[Broadcasted on:]~(olive,olive) 07/29/2020 ~[Duration:]~(olive) 1 Hour, 03:10 to 04:10 AM ~[Additional information:]~(olive) Trap (START) -> Requests -> Rock and Alternative for finish. ~[Screenshot(s):]~(green) ::: :::
  11. ~[DJ:]~(olive) Peyraa ~[Broadcasted on:]~(olive,olive) 07/27/2020 ~[Duration:]~(olive) 1 Hour, 05:50 to 06:50 AM ~[Additional information:]~(olive) Requests ~[Screenshot(s):]~(green) ::: :::
  12. ~[DJ:]~(olive) Peyraa ~[Broadcasted on:]~(olive,olive) 07/20/2020 ~[Duration:]~(olive) 1 Hour, 06:10 to 07:10 AM ~[Additional information:]~(olive) - Requests. ~[Screenshot(s):]~(green) ::: :::
  13. ~[DJ:]~(olive) Peyraa ~[Broadcasted on:]~(olive,olive) 07/20/2020 ~[Duration:]~(olive) 2 Hours 40 Minutes, 03:00 to 05:40 AM ~[Additional information:]~(olive) - Requests/Rock/Trap - Party. ~[Screenshot(s):]~(green) ::: :::
  14. Rest In Peace the gang that gave me everything <3
  15. ~[DJ:]~(olive) Peyraa ~[Broadcasted on:]~(olive,olive) 07/16/2020 ~[Duration:]~(olive) 1 Hour(s), 21:25 To 22:25 ~[Additional information:]~(olive) - Electro songs, soul trap, and requests. ~[Screenshot(s):]~(green) ::: :::
  16. Happy birthday matee!!! Have a nice day @silent :hearts:
  17. Gl boys
  18. Starting bid: $1.000.000 Minimum bid increase: $1.000.000 Buyout: $12.000.000 ::: The house HAS CARSPAWN! :::
  19. Happy birthday guys <3
  20. Starting bid: $4.000.000 Minimum bid increase: $1.000.000 Buyout: $25.000.000 ::: Near a Store (for SR) and has car spawn :::
  21. In-game name: Peyraa Account name: Forum: Peyraa / SAES game account: FraGoder Age: 16 Gender: Male Country of residency: Argentina From how long are you playing SAES: 2-3 years approximately Since when are you playing GTA:SA 2011 How well do you speak English?: 9/10 What all languages can you speak other than English?: Spanish Tell us something about yourself: Well, My real name is Francisco and i love play video games, do sport, and do entertaiment (like music or videos). I am a friendly person (I think :p). I dedicate minimum two hours per day playing SAES, and now i am doing an international exam of english for learn more about the language List few of your strengths and weaknesses: Weakness: Sometimes i am a distracted person sometimes, ping for country of residency. Strengths: Retailer, friendly, always ready for learn, i love the teamwork, and listener Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them: I don't have any group, but i will feel good if you accept me! Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why? No. Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?: It would be fun to be part of the group, I think I would never get bored if I have the possibility of having a role as a fast food seller What can you offer Cluckin' bell?: My time (activity and service) What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell? Funny moments and experience. Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?: Yes, I agree! Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?: @Tapi - @Rainy What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?: Eat till you say, "No please".
  22. Hi, Why the job "sea captian" doesnt work?
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