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Everything posted by Jaster

  1. Nickname: Jaster Username:menoseren Age:19 Country:Turkey Languages spoken:English , Turkish , Japan , Russian and also little bit espanol From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10):8 How long have you been playing on SAES:i begin on 2013 In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins are big gang ever on SA they make reputation from some hidden illegal stuff , and their roleplay is different , they are ranked killer about assasin , and they can make about that business they can kill a person also they are selling weapon's too they have a big ship on SF this reason they are lucky about location and they are providing transport . Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): was VLA Leader And ML also Pirus we closed the organization for being not active , and some player problem's and also i was in CripZ i left because i was inactive Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: multiaccount with my 2 leptop :D other account was my cousin i didn't used multi just same internet connection Name 3 Bankrob rules: do not make reconnect in bankrob / you cant switch your gang for help another gang / max 3 br in per day Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: dont login to crack area stuff and i should stay at cover place they should crack alone for no discuss Name 3 Turf rules: dont attack from outside you can attack in zone place / dont jump car / dont use gang spawn you can just spawn as hospital or house What is Roleplay?: roleplay is actually like a real life you can make a acting like real life or you can just acting when ur brain thinking creative or sometimes you can make roleplay for fun roleplay is good What is Deathmatching?: no reason for killing Someone DMs you. What do you do?: i'll report the player and text any admin with screenshot's we need proof You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?:i just pass from place Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?:nah nobody know for my application Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): AA was my first dream ever on SAES but cannot joined because didn't tried to join this reason finally wanted to make a apply also i was dont have enough english ,and prepare it kindly and finally i am sending this and also AA have awesome player's with they acting and also they always trusting themself about every thing every potential thing's this would be my family . On game i can drive good and i can use good shamal and also my aim is great i have little bit crack thing's on br's i have photoshop skill's banner's wallpaper's logo's gif word's and trailer's scene's roleplaying , typing good story about RP and taking good photo's with edit and also i am good with coordinate people and also i can convince any person if i want and also i am good at diction like a leader Alpha and also i have good energy on my aura .
  2. Boxing Number : #25 Participants :@TaffyC @fad Winner(s) : 1.Raund = Jaster 2.Raund | 2.Round = Fad | 3.Round = Taffy ScreenShots: : ::: https://imgur.com/a/8sJTfRI :::
  3. Good Luck My Friend
  4. Gz
  5. Lets see who will win xD
  6. Rest in Peace my lover...
  7. Event Number : 86 Event Price : $3.000.000 Event Type: True or False Asking about Pirus LWS trainee ZP : @AdemBygt Event Winner: there is no winner all lose that event Screenshots : ::: :::
  8. Activity Number: 156 Activity Type: Midnight of activity with 910's 29.10.2019 Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  9. Hello , participants we decided to make the apply's ~[denied]~(red) @TheMonsterV1 @TheMonsterV3 you guy's made 2 time's apply on same account this reason you should use how to apply on forum and also how to write simply this reason you guy's should wait one week until reback apply thanks for understanding and be stay with us :)) make your apply other week . @The-Best1 ~[Accepted]~(lime) welcome to crim side back
  10. Activity Number: 153 Activity Type: Night 910's testing one guy passed today. and totally Activty (27.10.2019) Screenshot(s):
  11. Activity Number: 152 Activity Type: Night Activty with 910's (26.10.2019) Screenshot(s):
  12. Can u make logo for Pirus ?
  13. Roleplay Number : 127 Story : I was searching for good quality weed's on San andreas i didn't found it on Las Vantures and also San Fiaro i was close to find it and i meet with a customer he told me you can check CDC main zone if u want best shit ever and i called my member's we was at our base . Soulfly arrived lately but i told him the subject he said let's go to this place , i took my money on basement and strike out for find some quality shit on Los Santos street's , we finally at road , and was close to CDC Base Proton welcomed us , and invite us to login to base , we walked to interrior , my member's stay at outside , Soulfly and one member was with me Proton said let's talk on Office we walked to office and started to talk . We spoke about Price , Quality Rate , Testing , Smell and guess what ? Soulfly tried this shit and flied to green garden sky we try to stir up him but he already flied , i told my member's to get boxes to our gang car's they upload the weed's it was 5kg and Proton gaved per 1 cocaine for us we deal about price we gived him 10.000 $ for weed's it was expensive but it will be worth it because its quality weed Ever on Los santos and San Andreas i shake with Proton and get back to car's with weed's Soulfly finally awake he took the cocaine and light it on car we drive to base back. Participants : @Comando-da-Capital @The-Pirus Screenshots : ::: :::
  14. Activity Number : 140 Pirus Night activity ( 7 online member ) Screenshots :
  15. GL
  16. Rip
  17. Good Luck best regard's from Jaster
  18. ::: @Porcosdep said in The Pirus: Ingame name : Porcosdep Account name : Porcosdep Nationality : Portuguese Spoken Languages : Portuguese obviously, English and a bit of Spanish altough very rusty Spanish I might add How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? : Since 2013 How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? : Ive been playing SAES:RPG for about 6 years but ihave had a very long 3 year break but now I am back Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) : Minor bans like Miscomunication with one of the admins but nothing extremely severe Previous organisations ( G/S ) : I was with Outfit for a very short period of time, was in FBI aswell and last but not least with MI-6 (may you rest in piece) Current groups : None Section II : Specific things. Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ) : The only things I cant do at all is roleplaying. I always find a way to mess it up. If i try my best I will probably end up being a decent roleplayer but I havent tried that much since I do not appreciate RPing that much altough its a very important aspect of most gangs and squads since the server alone is already directed towards roleplaying Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) : Well to be honest I found a couple of old friends in the server when I came back and it brought me some joy to see them alive and kicking and Im not going to lie... I kinda miss being in a gang running around with old friends thats awesome Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) : Because I know how to obey rules, I know how to cooperate with members pretty well and I am very friendly towards players in general not just gang members. Describe The Pirus in your own words : Above anything else, they are a family willing to protect themselves and lay their lives on the line to protect their loved ones. Spreading their territory to show their dominance is their main attribute as they operate in various districts and cities all over the country. They are extremely dominant and friendly but not to be messed with.. Make one wrong move and you will regret it. Pirus scales their size by recruiting young fresh members that can add something useful to the gang and grow all togheter like a big family. Pirus main attributes are Drug smuggling, robbery and extortion as well as sometimes go as far as murdering groups of people to spread their dominance ::: its good word's about Pirus and your quality personality this reason you deserved to join our family ~[Accepted]~(lime)
  19. Role Play Number : 115 @Xtream said in The Company | Activity Feed: The Snitch - with The Pirus (roleplay number #351) Intelligence Agency RP Our Intelligence Agency received a call from a street gang which is called The Pirus. They had a job offer for us which is very uncommon for us to do. But there was a lot of money in the line so the offer was almost impossible to reject. We were told to go at their hanging spot which was located in Los Santos. So we decided to go there. We met up at a hidden area which was their hangout spot. We made our introductions and discussion of what the job offer was. The Pirus have discovered that there was a homeless snitch which was paid from their rival gang. He was spying on every work they used to do and also helped the rival gang frame The Pirus robbery which led for 2 of their gang members to get arrested. Luckily the gangster who was able to escape took a picture of the snitch and we used that as evidence to help us track this homeless guy. We used our advanced technology from our headquarters with the help of the traffic cameras we located the homeless man sitting in a area which were "The Projects" and the rival gang territory. So we scouted the area and did take many round routes to see if there was anyone around which would make our job harder. But luckily nobody was around. We approached the homeless man and started to ask him some questions. After the conversation we told him to get inside our vehicle. At first he refused but one of our members showed him his gun. That actually forced him to get inside our car. During our way the Rival Gang members were chasing us so we stopped at a garage and swapped cars as fast as possible. We left 2 of our members behind which were used as a decoy to take the rival gang members away from the homeless man. Then we met at The Pirus hideout again to give them their target. We got our money but also watched the pleasure of killing the snitch which caused this gang a lot of trouble.
  20. Role Number: 114 Story: i was hanging with my member and one speacial customer called me for businnes i called him for invite our base for visit and talk about businnes he arrive to base and we started to talk with customer and later he was search more weed from gang's but he didn't liked finally he find us and i told him to get in your car and fallow us and later we started to drive with customer we talked about business and he tell us him totally price for weed's and i tell him chill bro first you should try and i said fallow me for test this shit i showed the box for him and i open for him he tryed and tell me smell's good and he liked this shit he want to upload on trunk this reason i tell my member to upload him car ,we deal for 5,000$ for two box and my member upload to him car trunk and later we satisfy him Participants: @Ragnar @Customer
  21. Activity Number: 119 Activity Type: Active Members at midnight we was hang out arround Los Santos current login was 5 Player ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  22. Roleplay Number: 103 Story : As you know we are alliance , with BloodZ and also i wanted to make party with them , this reason i decided to call they leader for make a activity in order to improve our brothership . And later they arrived our main base , at this way we satisfy they kindly . And later we started to talk , also i spoke with the leader he asked me the reason '' why you called us '' and later i say gently '', we have surprise for today this reason i called you '' after we hang out at our base a few second later i tell the secret they i said we have great weed also i was bring great girl's for party with weed's . Our Quality shit was at house this reason we was clear at main zone they be glad when i say girl's hehehe anyway later we walked to Pirus Bus . And wait a bit for all guy's get in When and later i started to open engine motor some cop's arrived to Pirus base i was surprised someone draw information about meeting i guess they told us for get handsup front bus . one Officer approach to me and whisper my ear ''who is the god damn bus driver ! '' i say it's me sir what is the problem we can solve that if it possible saying after that he told me to give D for check all thing's was trying to solve the problem with talking Officer's they search our pocket and D i said over and over we are clear sir he never listen to me and they check zone and all thing's finally told us yes you guy's are free i smiled verry kindly also he asked me why you guy's meet at this place what is the reason about that. say its contain speacial sir i cannot tell it he asked this more and more finally i was tell him all thing's for make weed party and fun with awesome bitch he just interested with girl's this reason he told me to give they girl's and you guy's are free i cannot believe this shit's just wanted girl's from me but it was annoying , anyway i deal with him and set out to road . We was at the LS , LV Line way After the long way , we get in from bus and walked to my house i said '' welcome to brothership '' and saying salute we get inside , there was no girl's because Officer's taked all of them . i showed arround house and they was no have patient to wait i showed them good weed's the leader said me its smell good i gaved one roll for him and he smoke with great area other member's tried too all liked this little shit we laughing and kidding with some joke's a member open porn on TV it was awesome we watched film and someone get sleep at ground we continue hang out. after that i came to myself and sober up i said its enough for this day we can make it other week too after that i did pass to the door for see off BloodZ . After that i shake with Leader of course we shake hands because we are big family <3 And later we disperse for go to main zone for protect our street's we set out to road Thanks for Reading BEST REGARD'S FROM Participants: @XxNetroxX @Thorinn @Torun @Makaveli @White @Tuemack @Speed
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