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Everything posted by Jaster

  1. ~[**Event ( Number ) 8 Event Type: Rhino Shooter Event Prize: $1.000.000 G6/LWS: @Judyes Screenshoot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/gallery/slHyxai :::
  2. ~[**Event ( Number ) 7 Event Type: Chicken Arrest Event Prize: $1.000.000 G6/LWS: @Judyes Screenshoot(s):]~(red) ::: https://imgur.com/gallery/rsdk9lo :::
  3. ~[ Event ( Number ) 6 Event Type: 1 vs 1 Boxing Event Prize: $1.000.000 G6/LWS: @Stoner Screenshoot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/gallery/gZTBwqY :::]~(red)
  4. Activity ( Number ) 3 Activity Name : We making Jailbreak, and Store rob Screenshoot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/gallery/Hw4ZKxL :::
  5. Roleplay ( Number ) : 2 Roleplay Title: Steal from casino some alcohols Story: We taking our buritto and going to Las vantures big casino our some member's playing casino games, they acting and our some members talking with barman and making distract him mind we getting drink shelf and uploading burritto after that we check out casino riding to our base for put alchols to storage. Screenshoot(s): https://imgur.com/a/w1tguTe?third_party=1#=
  6. Roleplay ( Number ) : 1 Roleplay Title: Empty Storage Story: @thamond said in Royal Flush | Media Archive: Roleplay number: 8 Date: 14.03.20 Participants: @SoulFly @Nevs @Villain @Jaster The weapon deal Thamond got a call from his workers that Royal Flush's weapon storage had almostly been emptied. So Thamond did the one thing he felt was right: He called the new MC in town, BBMC to get the weapon storage filled up again. Royal Flush then gathered up and went to BBMC's base in Red County ::: Thamond got to BBMC's base first and started talking, they welcomed him greatly, and started talking business. Soulfly showed Thamond some ammunition in the back of his sadler More of Royal Flush's crew came, and Nevs (the weapon expert) made clear what he wanted, and that was expanding bullets. Soulfly said he had just the thing, and he showed us the way up on top of their roof Soulfy presented us the goods Thamond asked for a test shooting with the expanding bullets, and, BBMC handed over some rounds After firering off some rounds into a nearby tree, Nevs checked if they really expanded, and they did. The new gun dealer in town delivered the real deal. Thamond sent Villain down to get the suitcase full off cash and payed the 29 000 $ for the deal they made. We then headed down to load the ammunition into BBMC's van. Royal Flush waiting for BBMC to load the ammunition into the van BBMC loaded the van in no time, what a service ! Thamond checked if all of the goods was in there, and it seemed right. Then we set off, heading towards Royal Flush's base south in SF When we arrived at base, BBMC took all the ammo crates out of the van, and loaded them into our storage at base After helping us with filling up our storage again, we thanked them for the delivery and greeted the new MC club good luck onwards ::: Screenshoot(s):
  7. Event Number: 15 Event Type: Event Price: LWS & G6: Event Winner: Screenshot(s):
  8. Event Number: 14 Event Type: A vs D ( Attacker's vs Deffender's Event Price: 1.000.000 LWS & G6:@MatizZ Event Winner: Deffender team ( all paid ) Screenshot(s):
  9. Roleplay Number: 11 Story: ~[Traitor in street |]~(red) i was driving my car on my street and i got news from my old member's a newbie guy walking on my neighborhood street and also selling our new weed they told me this and i got little angry and mad i take my car and drive to this area and closed phone i was driving so fast and finally i arrived this area and begin to search this newbie and i found him i park my car and beat him face he was a traitor and selling our weed and stealing from us i kill him and take our weed back and get in car and drive back to main base Participants: @Jaster @Unknown Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  10. Event Number: 12 Event Type: 1 vs 1 Sniper Event Price: 1.000.000 $ LWS & G6: @Colobria Event Winner: @M7mod Screenshot(s): ::: ] :::
  11. Event Number: 11 Event Type: All vs all dildo in ring Event Price: 1.000.000 $ LWS & G6: @Colobria Event Winner: @Maksim Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  12. Roleplay Number: 10 @nulgath said in Navy Malistrip ~ Media center: ^[ ] ^[ Roleplay #61 : Don't Do it Again ] ^[ Navy Malistrip: @Amrosh @Vynee] ^[Pirus : @Jaster ] Story: When I was sitting at the base, he called a friend from Gang pirus his name Jaster who told me he wanted Drug with good quality and gave me the place to meet. I went to A storehouse where we put drugs. i took the goods, put them in the car, and went to the place. I found him waiting for me. So he went to the trunk to check his goods.After that, when we were moving the goods from my car to his car, as a police officer drove his car towards us and started shooting . So I aimed t to the fuel tank and i shoot the car exploded and died.then when i put the goods in his car he gave me money and shook hands with us. ::: :::
  13. @hamma123 said in The Pirus: @SoulFly Ingame name : monserrkayeb Account name : gamerforever Nationality : tunisia Spoken Languages : arabic- english How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? : 3 monts ago How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? : 80hrs Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) : none Previous organisations ( G/S ) : none Current groups : none a los santos criminal that no cops can catch me with any type of bike, talented in robbing, drving with bike. Dear @hamma123 you should prepare Section II Question too you should fill this question's too Section II : Specific things. Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ) : Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) : Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) : Describe The Pirus in your own words : after that we will check you
  14. Event Number: 10 Event Type: Car show Event Price: 1.000.000 $ LWS & G6: @Pazoo Event Winner: @Greed Screenshot(s):
  15. Roleplay Number: 9 Story: Covering buritto by @Rogue-21 Participants: @Greed @fenter The Pirus make new weed on main zone and car was at Las Vantures way i was driver and need to drive it to base this reason i called Rogue and they arrived for cover me on way we drived to base and they got bill's for saving and they gone . Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  16. https://youtu.be/bGmM0ASboik
  17. Event Number: 3 Event Type: Rhino Shooter Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS & G6: @Colobria Event Winner: @Zodiyac Screenshot(s): ::: ** :::
  18. Event Number: 2 Event Type: Chicken Arrest Event Price: 1.000.000 $ LWS & G6: @Colobria Event Winner: @Zan Screenshot(s): ::: ::: :::
  19. Event Number: 1 Event Type: 1 vs 1 Boxing Event Price: 1.000.000 $ LWS & G6: @Colobria Event Winner: @mazen Screenshot(s): ::: ** :::
  20. @nulgath said in The Pirus: GL GUYS @Rick said in The Pirus: I hope it won't gonna close in a month,good luck lads @Genetrix said in The Pirus: Welcome Back Brothers!! @Filex said in The Pirus: Sub hq = hq quick maths Anyway gl but try to fix that hierarchy xD @VayraN said in The Pirus: Ah... I just got a legendary memory, Now I remember when Pirus and VeC were alive and fighting each other at LS, @Ronnie @Henry @Latinoo Do you remember that ? :D Best memories... Anyway good luck bois <3 @GyulaVarga12 said in The Pirus: gl brothers :+1: @Mattoo said in The Pirus: gl <3 @Keo said in The Pirus: Good luck @canserbero said in The Pirus: Good luck amigos, hope you get fast that shit lvl 1! @Side said in The Pirus: Best of luck mates @Dusty said in The Pirus: Good Luck MOB Pirus FTW <3 @iAcez said in The Pirus: OH YEAHHHHHHH Goodluck!! @The-Best1 said in The Pirus: @iAcez said in The Pirus: OH YEAHHHHHHH Goodluck!! Thnx @iAcez THANKS FOR THS GOOD WORD'S We already published a old backstory and also since 2019 like a promo video this will show us 2020
  21. @Razak said in The Pirus: Good Luck <3 @Nishki said in The Pirus: <3 welcome back @Medo12 said in The Pirus: Good luck and welcome back boys @Amineyy said in The Pirus: Good luck! Thanks a lot
  22. Good person ever i see
  23. ~[Announcement]~(lime) ~[WE RETURN BACK !!]~(red) 30.06.2020
  24. Make me a pro cop killer
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