Money was the most important factor for me personally. Buying and reselling properties was very fun. People get attracted if money is given to them. That's a fact, if you wish to deny you are free to deny. I think first downfall for SAES when new rules were implemented regarding housing. Like introduction of new property limit, restricting the property sell price etc I think roleplay will come if money is involved in some ways just like everything happens with money in real life. Real economy like system needs to be introduced in SAES. We can get idea from real life systems weather it is cops, criminals, government, military etc their budgets, employee management, share market with the listed companies to invest in, military budget set by the government, import and export of food or military vehicles or planes with CUBA or other country if added. Income tax department to raid the offices of corrupt people and companies, safe havens country for rich people to deposit their money with privacy etc their can be lots of ideas taken from real life.