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About Bucky

  • Birthday October 31

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  1. Ingame name: Bucky or random alias Ingame username: Playyyer2 Previous organizations and leaving causes: My friend was kicked out of my previous organization (SWAT) so i left too. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is a organized well established organization with a bloodlust for war. What binds you with Underground Empire: I feel most at home in this gang compared to any other and my past and future is tied with it. What do you know about organized crime: I know enough to hold my own in most combat situations and to help others become better at what they do.
  2. Date: 04/02/2023 SR:
  3. Date: 19/12/2022 Turf: Turf: [s=][/s]
  4. hbd hari's son
  5. Address: Ghost Town Hut Account name: oznavruz Last seen: 1st October 2022 Screenshots: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1010957233238065193/1036752642707308594/unknown.png
  6. Ingame name: Bucky Ingame username: Playyyer2 Previous organizations and leaving causes: FBI got bored of copside Define Underground Empire: An organized crime syndicate that are high society businessmen,politicians etc. What binds you with Underground Empire: It's my favorite organization and most of my friends are in it What do you know about organized crime: I learned all my ways from Emperor Hari
  7. Ingame name: Bucky Ingame username: Playyyer2 Previous organizations and leaving causes: FBI got bored of copside Define Underground Empire: An organized crime syndicate that are high society businessmen,politicians etc. What binds you with Underground Empire: It's my favorite organization and most of my friends are in it What do you know about organized crime: I learned all my ways from the Emperor Hari
  8. Ingame name: Bucky Ingame username:playyyer2 Previous organizations: BloodZ>, UE,HS,O Define Underground Empire: An old style organization that prioritizes in war and roleplay, while also being the strongest gang in my opinion. What binds you with Underground Empire: No other gang really feels the same as UE I feel mostly connected to UE as a whole and i miss the activities and wars that used to progress in the gang.
  9. Yeah these are all relative points m4 and deag really aren't as abusable here. Of course it is a suggestion and turf is more democratic. M4 and deagle aren't abusable? Lmao just go hide behind Alpha and spam m4 as always, don't lie to yourself. @burako you're a random sniper bot who can barely use all guns don't mention me again. Nice amount of posts btw always talking :) meme
  10. Yeah these are all relative points m4 and deag really aren't as abusable here. Of course it is a suggestion and turf is more democratic.
  11. Happy birthday
  12. No HS in turf= less abuse. +1 don't think anyone abusing ever wins turfs these days. Every time there is a turf there's always one or two players who refuse to take headshot damage. Its way too buggy and inconsistent should just be outright removed. Doesn't require much skill to be fair either...
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