STAGE I Your Ingame Name:EURO Your Account Name:Marwa01 Your Age:17 Your RP Name:Khaled Your Country:Alger Your Languages:French/English/Arabic Your Skills:, my strenghts its my experience, my driving, shooting skills. I like teamworking and roleplyas. arresting etc.Paracheting,best pilot. Your Weaknesses:Lag(low fps). Tell us about yourself (20 words or above): My Name is Khaled,I am 17 years old, I Live in Algeria. As a sport, I am interested in football .I like being a Crim and I believe I will improve myself over time. STAGE II English Proficiency (0-10):7-10. Driving Planes Proficiency(0-10):8-10. Roleplay Profeciency: For how long you playing SAES/MTA:since 2017. What is our role:We transport people from one place to another in a proper way, and we also transport Cargo's. Give us a story of your Roleplay ingame character(100words above):Role-Play Is trying to come to in-game a real life situation, like police operation stops, asking for license driver and the I.D means acting like reallife. STAGE III What do you do if your Pilot fell asleep, and you're the Co-Pilot?: I will wake him up from sleep. What do you do if your Plane ran out of gas when you're on the sky?:I will try to return it. What do you do if your Flight Attendant doesn't listen to you?: I will be happy again.