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Everything posted by BNL

  1. GZ BloodZ for level 2
  2. BNL


    STAGE.I Account name: Dayler. In game name: BNL. Age: 19 yers old. Country of where you living in: tunisie. Current G/S/C: N/A. Current Roleplay Groups: N/A. State what is our Role we defend the sea and Pirates is our enemies so we need to remove them from the sea and explore the seas. English Profeciency(0-10): 7/10. What's your discord tag?(if you dont have leave this blank): BNL#1821. Tell us a bit about yourself(30words) Hey I'm Iheb from Tunisia, I play a lot of video games and I'm gamer I like hanging with friends and grouping, etc... also I study on high school on the most of time I play MTA(saes). STAGE II State what is rule number 6: Pirates is our enemy! if you see them in the sea, better kill/arrest them! State what is rule number 2: Respect Staffs/Admins State whatis rule number 1: Talk english in mainchat. If you saw a pirate in the sea, will you arrest/kill him? why? yes i will because they are our enemies. Your Groupmate is in trouble with the Pirates, and he is asking for a help, but you are doing something busy, will you help him?: If you passed the Probationary Stage, what posistion you would like?(Sea Defender, Pirate Hunter, Sea Spy)?: Pirate Hunter. STAGE III Why do you want to be apart of San andreas Coastguards? i think this group will do his best with his activity and im sure he will be a good group defend the sea etc... and this is a good idea to do this group also i liked this group so i decided to apply. What can you benefit to us?: i can help this group with my activities and my helps also i can help with the media archive to let this group up and keep him to the best group in SAES and i hope that. How many Hours you have ingame?: 76202 hours. How many arrest you have ingame?: 1824 arrests.
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