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Everything posted by Dice

  1. Yeah, and what point would there be in a Jail Break if everyone would just bail out? Also, the server is populated by old players, meaning they have great amount of wealth accumulated. This would be in favor for older players and against newer ones, which would be a discrimination. Also, as much as you say this will benefit the cops, in a way it does, but it will make our job even harder. It's hard as it is, and by arresting we have a chance of tipping the odds in our favor. Remove that, and you get more OP. More crim count in SR and BR. Less consequence for getting arrested. The result of this implementation will be that crims spend money to get out, cops earn more money as a result of there being more crims, but what breaks is the balance of the game. SR, BR will be AGAIN tipped in favor of crims. And JB will be a broken mechanic. How many suggestions are crims going to make for crims to get more OP? When will I hear a single suggestion about cops getting buffs?
  2. Case Name: An unexpected hit by Mongols MC Participants: @Dice @woofz @Cornelius @SweetGSF @Horm Description: While meeting up with an undercover officer WoofZ, we had unexpected visitors at our meeting just outside Los Santos. 3 members of Mongols MC approached us by motorcycles, and then initiated a conversation with us innocently enough to let our guard down. We were hit by baseball bats, brutally beaten up and taken into one of their trucks. We were on the move for about 15 minutes, and from intel I gathered beforehand, we arrived at what seemed to be the main HQ of Mongols MC. After being beat up again, we were forced to take truth serum and Mongols started asking me and WoofZ questions regarding our activities and further asked whether we know about a certain project Z. I don't remember much about the conversation since I was drugged, but I remember something about project Z being a bold undertaking of local Los Santos gangs. After they were done with us, they drove us back into the compound and attempted to finish us off. Shortly before saying, I quote: "The organization bids you farewell". At that moment, I was grazed by a bullet in my head and feigned death. Me and HoofZ were then dumped into a country dumpster. More questions than answers as usual, the most important one being what is this Organization and project Z and why are they targeting investigators? What have we unknowingly found out, but haven't made sense of yet? We need to look at our past activities and reports, and see the bigger picture. This organization whatever it is, is indeed bold to be targeting officers directly. Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Activity: Training [Driving and Communication] Date: 06/01/2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Here's a feasible suggestion, and I think a lot of cops and crims can relate to this. When a criminal is abusing the climb to evade being tased, there is not much we cops can do but let him climb and then let him run away. Best we can do is tase him when gets up. But even then, he's long gone and climbs another roof. And this just continues unless he kills you with a combat shotgun while you climb the roof he climbed. Suggestion to this problem is introducing climb interrupt function, where upon taking damage or being tased, the climb is interrupted and the player falls back to where he started the climb. At the very least, the tase should work if player is climbing. There is no reason why it should not. Another suggestion is implementing a movement speed debuff upon % of health missing. So if a criminal shoots me while I am chasing, I shouldnt be able to run like nothing happen. Applying a rubber bullet effect would be more realistic and add new layer to chasing a criminal/being chased. Should be more realistic and make food/medics more important, as then players would not be running around with half of their HP missing. At <10% health, a player could only walk.
  5. "Press F to pay respect" /me F
  6. TOPIC CONTENT Address: 3 Faggots Hill Account name: castoru1997 Last seen: 17th November 2019 Screenshots: http://prntscr.com/qgef1n http://prntscr.com/qgeh5o
  7. Case Name: Following lead on the mysterious Los Escondidos van. Participants: @Dice @Spartan @Linkan Description: Following a lead from the previous case, the mysterious black van has resurfaced under a different plate number and has been rebuilt by the Los Escondidos for a narcotics operation. Agent David Winston, disguised as a Los Santos drug dealer established contact with Linkan and Spartan from LE and proceeded with the sting operation. During the initial contact with the members of criminal organisation, agent David Winston had purchased 10 kilograms of pure lab heroin, which according to protected sources came from Cuba. The van was captured and transported back to the base of LE where it had underwent changes in appearance. Upon further contact, agent Winston had exchanged contact information with Linkan and had been given the van as a sign of goodwill from the gang. Taking the van back to FBI main building, it was later placed in a secure remote location. The sting operation was conducted by agent David Winston after conducting a thorough analysis of LE activity. Linkan and Spartan were spotted near the base of LE, and while agent Winston prepared for the sting, the gang members were prepared for the sting and initiated contact with agent Winston. After exchanging words and telling agent Winston that the whole investigation was purposely targeted at FBI evidence room, and that the van contained explosives mixed with heroin, agent Winston realized the gravity of his mistake and quickly rushed to the car to inform the agent on duty about the imminent explosion in the evidence room. Luckily, the car was taken to a remote location and it had detonated just minutes ago. Linkan and Spartan fled from the scene, but agent Winston followed in their steed but was outmanned and lost track of the gang members. We are now taking a closer look into LE activity because of the recent events and the reason behind the attempted bombing of evidence room. Perhaps there is something here that we are not seeing. Time will reveal things and we will get to the bottom of this. Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/22696-dice/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/51880-donation-dice-amount-4000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/52738-donation-dice-amount-1000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/54980-dices-donation-change/
  9. Username: robucitis Amount Donated: 70 pounds *Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/22696-dice/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/51880-donation-dice-amount-4000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/52738-donation-dice-amount-1000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/54980-dices-donation-change/ I started playing again but some stuff hasnt merged from when I left off. Planning on donating for a sixpack of beer on New Year, so cheers. You can check my donation status on archived forum under same name/username
  10. @Lincoln Once a locked car, forever a locked car.
  11. Yes, please. The straight corridors are a nightmare for cops.
  12. If it was implemented then there is a good reason for it to be there. This is a balance issue, you don't balance something by removing it. If you want to alter killarrest then come up with some ideas, just saying I can't deal with it because my team is not organised and I want cops to lose their last hope of dealing with BR or JB is absurd. If you remove killarrest, we cops don't get anything from you doing these BRs or JBs. Economically, it's a waste of time for us. With killarrest we get rewarded for actually engaging criminals in these activities. Remove that and I personally will think twice about going to BR where I will get blasted to pieces and get no money for it.
  13. Case Name: Surveillance of the members of "Los Escondidos". Participants: @Dice Description: Responding to Store Robbery in Las Venturas region, at 13:45, unusual activity by the Los Escondidos, from now on 'LE', was reported by the local sheriff department. After responding to Store Robbery, a member of LE, Auto, was found in charge of the robbery and in high alert for possible police reinforcements. Just before being able to take evidence, I was spotted by Auto with a sniper rifle and had to retreat to my service car to further investigate the unusual LE activity. At around 14:00, I followed Auto to what turned out to be a property of one of his associates, where he entered the house with a bag for roughly 10 minutes and entered without the bag. My suspicion is that the money from the Store Robbery is located at this house, possibly with other incriminating evidence. Continuing my investigation, I tracked down another LE member, Gundalf. After getting closer, I noticed Gundalf had parked next to a black van. This is one of the vans I saw in Store Robbery. Why was it there and more importantly, what was in it? I was unable to take a closer look as Gundalf was finishing his cigarette and in the end, following my investigation to find the answers to my questions, all I got is more questions and dead-ends. Screenshots:
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