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Everything posted by IZZE

  1. Type of activity: sr FBI Members Involved: @gullbooy @ilyasSs @Jeaven @IZZE Date: 20.10.2020 Screenshots:
  2. Activity Type: patrolling FBI Members involved: @KiroSa / @R1zo0R / @izze Date: 03/09/2020 Screenshots:
  3. Activity Type: stopping PBR at LV 0/8 FBI Members Involved: @izze @Ramzi @Genetrix @TripleX @nvidia Date: 01/08/2020 Screenshots :
  4. Activity Type: stopping M BR at LV 0/8 FBI Members Involved: @izze @Ramzi @Genetrix Date: 01/08/2020 Screenshots :
  5. Activity Type: Patrolling FBI Members Involved: @izze @Flomits @Ramzi @RoLLin @Genetrix Date: 29/07/2020 Screenshots :
  6. Activity Type: Stopped a TR BR started by THC FBI Members Involved: @IZZE @TripleX @Daryl @tokiits @nvidia @Diesel Date: 14/07/2020 Screenshots:
  7. Activity Type: Patrolling FBI Members Involved: @IZZE @Flomits @RoLLin Date: 14/07/2020 Screenshots:
  8. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved : @IZZE , @Kosovali , @Ramzi Date: 10/07/2020 Screenshots :
  9. Activity: Stopping SR and JB FBI Members Involved: IZZE, Darck, Flomits, KiroSa, R1z0o0r, RoLLin Date: 05/07/2020 Screenshots
  10. Activity Type: Patrolling, stopping SR FBI Members Involved: izze, nori999, ramzi04 Date: 02/07/2020 Screenshots:
  11. Activity: owning SR Date:11/05/2020 Screenshots:
  12. Activity : patrolling, dealing w/ VIP Date : 23.04.20 Screenshots :
  13. 1927
  14. Your ingame username: izze Your ingame alias: IZZE Your year of birth: 1997 Your gender: Male Nationality: Russian Country of residence: Russian Federation How long you have been playing SAES: I've been playing since 2011, took a 4 years brake between 2015-2019, now i'm fully active again Qualities you can offer: maturity, high level of responsibility (if something is entrusted to me, it will be most likely done in the best possible way), a very long in-game history providing excellent knowledge of the server, neutral reputation among the whole community, bachelor's degree in real estate development (getting a master's soon) so who could deal w/ housing shit better than me ? Your weaknesses: I'm a leader by nature and sometimes i might get too hard on people Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): SAHA Do you have Discord Installed: yes Reason for application: FIrst of all, housing and real estate have always been my passion on the server so i won't mind doing any required amount of work associated with server's housing. Second of all, i've recently gotten a few ideas about SAES real estate market and being a SAHA member would surely help me to bring them to community. Server Memberships: FBI HQ, Secret Service, ZIP, Helvete Additional information: I'm currently 22 yrs old, living in Samara, Russia. Studying Construction and Real Estate Investment Management, at the same time getting a degree in forensics (construction and real estate associated too). I'm a professional athlete ( been doing fencing for almost 15 years), also play some good football and basketball, ex- alcoholic Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: none Previous (legitimate) bans: none Do you eat pork: Yes, just had some delicious pork
  15. Activity : stopped a SF PBR, 0/8 Date: 29.03.2020 Screenshots:
  16. Activity: Stoping SRs, patrolling, securing the VIP Date: 22.03.2020 Screenshots:
  17. Activity : Patrolling w/ the boys Date: 20.03.2020 Screenshots:
  18. Activity : Stopped a LS BR, started by TT, 7/8 Doing some SRs Date: 20.03.2020 Screenshots:
  19. ex zip worker izze here. Been a member since the very first recruitment (2011 I guess ?), went inactive for 4+ years now Im fully active again. If possible, I would love to re-join the group. Username: izze
  20. Activity: (SR) sneaking into criminals ass from the air w/ teammates Date: 11.03.20 Screenshots :
  21. Activity: solo butt-rape session, protecting the VIP Date: 11.03.20 Screenshots:
  22. Date 25.02.2020 Activity: dealing w/ some VIP and SR shit Screenshots:
  23. Date 24.02.2020 Activity: Protecting the VIP and stopping a SF PBR Screenshots:
  24. Date 24.02.2020 Activity: Patrolling and stopping some SRs Screenshots :
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